[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/de039f859a0f7ed86c79f6d4265d3386.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 994 [b]Level 3 Captain Falcon:[/b] 21/30 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 23/30 [H3]Mafia Town ~ Harbor[/h3][/center] Paydirt! Falcon’s patience was rewarded when a certain man in a white suit came out to apparently berate a couple of the workers there. By then, Cap had gotten yelled at by one of the supposed employees and he had backed off a bit - not wanting to pick a fight at that time. He was parked behind a storage container where he would pretty much be out of sight. He couldn’t hear the entire conversation going on over there, however. Mostly what he heard was the boss’ beratement since he was doing so in a raised voice, suggesting that these guys had made a serious blunder that made him angry. Beyond that, though, Falcon couldn’t make out anything else being talked about. Getting an idea, Falcon pulled out his cellphone and went into its camera app. He managed to snap a picture or two of the guy in white, albeit they were from the side and behind as he was already turning to go back into the facility he had exited from. But hopefully that would match up enough with the photo Zhao had shown him earlier to serve as proof the guy was indeed in town. Falcon had also managed to pick up a bit or two about buyers leaving the Trading Company richer in pons than when they arrived. Unfortunately, Falcon’s attention at the time was split between watching for the man in white and performing his deliveries, so he missed quite a few of the details beyond that. Maybe that was something Zhao would want to look into later on, but for the time being the actual job Falcon came to harbor to do was now done. So the only thing left to do now was report in and get paid. Speaking of getting paid, Falcon noticed his Crazy Eats app alerting him to a payout of 25 pons for that previous session of deliveries. Not exactly his best performance, but also not bad considering the limitations he’d put upon himself for investigative purposes either. He’d have to make a note to collect that payout from Charlie later. For now, Falcon changed back into his iconic racing suit and was on his way back to You Tian. [center][h3]Mafia Town ~ You Tian[/h3] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-7-TLHg9Ls[/youtube][/center] [color=1f66b2]”Looks like what you heard was true.”[/color] Falcon said to Zhao. They were sitting at an empty table in You Tian, Zhao looking at the pictures of the guy in white Cap managed to take with his cellphone. Business hours for the restaurant had already wound down and ended for the evening. Normally it stayed open later than this, but Zhao closed shop early so he and Cap could have the place to themselves to talk privately. “Yeah, it sure looks like it.” Zhao said with a sigh, his tone sounding like a mix of sadness and disappointment. “Dammit, Mabuchi, what the hell are you doing?” He muttered as he handed Falcon’s phone back to him. [color=1f66b2]”So you [i]do[/i] know this guy?”[/color] Cap said, quickly picking up on the signals Zhao was giving. “Yeah.” Zhao finally admitted. “He goes by Akira Mabuchi [i]now[/i], but I knew him by his [i]real[/i] name - Lao Ma.” He explained and then added, “He used to be my right hand man during my old mafia days.” [color=1f66b2]”Come to think of it, a lot of the men working for him also looked Chinese, like you.”[/color] Falcon noted. “Can’t say I’m surprised.” Zhao said. “I used to be the boss of a Chinese mafia called the Yokohama Liumang, inherited the job from my dad. Mabuchi was my right hand guy, we grew up together, we were like brothers. But Mabuchi was too ambitious for his own good. He tried to oust me from the organization and take it over himself, but some friends and I put the kibosh on that little scheme. I told him to get out of town and never let me see his face again.” [color=1f66b2]”But why would he risk coming back and being discovered.”[/color] “Who knows?” Zhao said with a shrug, “He must have one helluva scheme cooked up if he’s willing to risk having to face me again, though. Or maybe he heard about me disbanding the Liumang and figured he could swoop in and build it back better himself? Frankly, I don’t give a fuck what his reasons are. There’s no way in Hell I’m letting this shit slide.” Zhao said and then gave a deep sigh before sliding a purse filled with [i]100[/i] pons. “Here you go, Falcon-kun. You earned it.” One thing was made perfectly clear to Falcon at that moment. Whatever history there was between these two, it was clearly nothing but bad blood now. Cap took the money from him and stood up from the table. He took a few steps toward the door. If this had been a few days ago, he would have just left in search of his next job. But instead he stopped and turned back around. [color=1f66b2]”Let me know when you’re ready to make your move.”[/color] Falcon said to Zhao with a smile building on his face. “It’s not exactly a regular bounty contract.” Zhao said, “Things could even get ugly. I wouldn’t wanna drag anyone down into my personal bullshit, so don’t worry about-” [color=1f66b2]”Nonsense!”[/color] Falcon suddenly said, cutting him off. [color=1f66b2]”You helped me when I first got into town. It’s only fair if I return the favor. And besides, I don’t like leaving my friends out to dry like that.”[/color] Zhao couldn’t stop himself from laughing, “Well shit, Falcon-kun, if you’re just gonna twist my arm about it like that, then how could I possibly say ‘No’?” This elicited a corny-but-appreciated thumbs up from the Captain before he finally headed out the door and left the restaurant. “He certainly has a way of reminding me of you… Kasuga-kun.” [center][hider=For Captain Falcon]Pons: 125[/hider][/center]