Well, firstly, like, you have to understand, there's differences, right? Sure, admittedly Mynx looks like Redana's memories of herself, only all manhandled by a bunch of uncouth Ceronian braves and tossed to Bella, likely to be imprisoned and brought back to Tellus by the Praetor, and Bella back then probably would have insisted on securing the prisoner [i]personally[/i], working through her complicated feelings of desire and resentment with every restraint, every unnecessary humiliation, every article of clothing removed to ensure that Dany wasn't hiding anything she could use to escape, ending the runaway princess's dreams of adventure with lock and key and well-secured muffling, and maybe by the time they'd gotten back to Tellus Mommy would have decided that actually Bella made a better princess than Dany did and that she was changing their places so that Dany was the maid and Bella was the princess, and Bella would probably need to make sure she was on a short leash just so that she wouldn't try to escape, and, and Bella would have Notes on her wardrobe and the need to make sure she wasn't hiding anything, and then after several months of tension Bella would kiss her so hard that it bruised, and they'd tumble into bed and Bella would start telling her that all that time she wished that she had permission to touch her oblivious brat of a princess like [i]this[/i], and aren't you being so loud, princess, didn't you learn that a good maid is [i]thoughtful[/i] and [i]demure[/i] and [i]holds her tongue[/i], and... Sorry, what was the question? Right, so. As Ember, Redana's already incredible imperial physique was funneled into being a perfect Ceronian knight. She looks like the princess's sister: a little taller, a little leaner, sharper of tooth. There is a distinction between the person she was and the person she became. And usually this is where you'd say "and it's impossible to tell where that change began," but it's absolutely when she crossed the Lethe and joined the daughters of Ceron. If she never had, she'd be like Mynx now: small, fair-skinned enough for her blush to be radiant, panting, (poisonous) drool beading on the lips she can't reach, squirming as if that will save her from Bella, not when she's in Bella's clutches, Bella [i]never[/i] lets go once you're there, she'll toy with you and grip you tighter and all that wicked huntressness will come out in a way that's so, [i]so[/i] hot, and come to think of it this is probably a balancing of the scales over what happened in the depths of the Eater of Worlds, so it's okay that her tail is thwap thwap thwapping against the back of her own thighs, bared by her Ceron-Pattern Tactical Shorts, it's obviously just because she's proud that she caught the Princess and is going to get headpats and Bella will do that [i]thing[/i] with the [i]ear[/i] and she'll just have to stay upright with knees turned to jelly in front of her pack and... Oh shoot Bella's looking at her now. "We," she says, and her voice cracks into a squeak, and she overcorrects downwards. "We, uh. The Princess is ours." What is she [i]doing[/i]. "As you ordered." [i]Why is this doing it for you, Dany.[/i] "Made sure not to, uh. Rough her up. Too much." The head is right here, Bella, with the associated triangles. It is [i]so[/i] ready for headpats, Bella. And an evil laugh maybe?? Possibly?? For her?? (Not that that's going to happen. She's only interested in Mynx because she's needed for the plan. There is no chance that she is going to be distracted by sexy impromptu "captured-the-princess" roleplay. Get your head in the godsdamned game, Redana. [i]And stop wagging your tail clean off your thighs.[/i])