Dang, Callum's got moves! Too bad the other guy's got... HAX. Though with the way things are going, a Round 2 between them doesn't seem to be too outside the realm of possibility. Settle that score, little man. Now I'm itching to write a fight scene... [quote=@Donut Look Now] Nyx’s expression softened immediately, nearly about to just let the child go just to ease her own guilt, but instead she smiled sweetly. [color=82ca9d]“I hope I see you again too! I feel [i]vorfreude[/i] for it.”[/color] Nyx stopped Asteria from falling out of her chair as she went limp, swiftly plucking the teacup from her fingers. [color=82ca9d]“Hopefully you’ll be able to feed pigeons with your mother as you sleep…”[/color] [/quote] My blood sugar levels are rapidly rising. HELP. [s]Anyways, my personal head-canon is that Nyx karate-chopped her with the speed of lightning for good measure, in case the spell didn't [i]completely[/i] knock her out cold.[/s] Speaking of writing fight scenes... [quote=@ERode] “Your new friends, I do believe, will be apt for ridding our Province of Lamont’s hands, but more work, undoubtedly, will have to be done. So, Duchess Bastille, while the Queen is out on vacation, what are your thoughts on some…poaching?” [/quote] Aw yiss. Looks like I'll get that chance. Time for the Valkyrie to smash face with her greatswords! And there's three of them! :D Will have a post up tomorrow!