[h2]Red Light District[/h2] [hr] "Mmm?" The Red Light District was certainly... something. Indeed, it was kept clean, and the shining, expensive buildings and large windows displaying brief glimpses of what was inside behind thick curtains spoke of a great deal of money and upkeep rather then squalor. But the dubious air of the entire district couldn't be ignored. Perhaps these things were just what should be expected. "I suppose I'm not surprised that you're not excited to be here," Qing'e said, her lips curling into a small smirk, "A maiden such as yourself lusting for a night out in a Red Light District would be quite the shock indeed. I expect you keep [i]your[/i] less-then-appropriate desires locked away inside your mind." Her unseen gaze drifted, now settling on the Knight-Witch. "And you... have the air of a married woman, so I can't imagine you've been to a place such as this. At least, not for quite some time, if ever. Still---" She gestured to a group of finely-dressed young women as they passed. "No matter how this place might appear lavish and decadent, there's not many people who can protect the ones who work here. And they're suffering, even if it doesn't look like it." She paused a moment, catching sight of an overweight middle-aged man in flashy clothing whose eyes were lingering on Sanae rather closely. If someone were looking closely at Qing'e, they might have noticed her hand twitch. If they were looking at the man, they might have noticed him suddenly looking down as something tugged his pantleg. They might have noticed the brief look of horror on his face, eyes bulging in their sockets and a cry escaping his throat, as he saw [i]something[/i] down at his feet. He stumbled back, slipping, and fell heavily onto his backside. But no-one passing by seemed to spare it much thought, and it was difficult to see what was there. Qing'e continued to lead the way. "Ahead is a brothel that was thriving, and from my understanding cared quite well for its workers. But customers and courtesans alike suddenly started to fall ill, becoming drained and exhausted. When a customer died, his body shriveling up like rotten fruit, it shut down, and everyone fled. But this strange illness and exhaustion has started to creep into the surrounding buildings. If this keeps persisting, more people will die." [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@DracoLunaris]