[COLOR=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/WZjaowO.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Amity Park[/I] - [I]Portland, Oregan - United States of America[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Who You Gonna Call? #1.03:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Escalating[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Jinx[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=#a2c4c9]“Hey, I expected you to call about an hour ago.”[/color] The cheery voice answered as Jason put his phone on the holder mounted to the dash of the Impala. Merging onto the 405, he geared up before finding a pair of cars to coast between, doing his best to drive casually while still in a hurry. [color=#e06666]“I need to see the other bodies.”[/color] The raspy voice replied, half of Blood’s mouth moving while the left side was firmly clamped down on a cigarette. He took a long drag, the sound echoing over the speakerphone before the woman responded again. [color=#d0e0e3]“Y’know those things will kill you right?”[/color] [color=#e06666]“I wish.”[/color] Blood scoffed, [color=#e06666]“The other bodies, Liv, I need to see them. Can I come to you?”[/color] [color=#a2c4c9]“Yeah, don’t see why not?”[/color] Liv’s voice was carefree, [color=#a2c4c9]“If that’s what you feel you need to do, I just knew the local authorities wouldn’t know what to do with this case. Just heard they’re bringing a body in, take it you found another?”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Trail was cold, body had been there at least twenty-seven hours. But you were right to call me.”[/color] He took another drag off the cigarette. [color=#e06666]“You’ve got a vampire, though I fear he’s made a fledgling.”[/color] [color=#a2c4c9]“What makes you so certain it’s a ‘he’?”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Body was female, you noted the others were as well. That pattern suggests a male.”[/color] Blood replied. [color=#e06666]“Plus, female vampires are more subtle than this, this almost feral, primal even. I’m betting a male.”[/color] He explained, [color=#e06666]“Have you tried taking a peek yourself?”[/color] [color=#a2c4c9]“I was waiting for you, there’s unspoken rules about these sorts of things. If a zombie was found out meddling in the affairs of a vampire…”[/color] Liv’s voice trailed off, [color=#a2c4c9]“You know the monarchy wouldn’t take kindly to it.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Let’s pray he’s rogue then.”[/color] Blood replied, [color=#e06666]“The monarchy and I don’t exactly see eye to eye and the [i]other[/i] guy’s really not a fan of politics.” [/color]He flicked his blinker on, changing lanes before taking the next exit while continuing to speak. [color=#a2c4c9]“You don’t think he’s an assassin looking for a slayer?”[/color] Liv asked, pausing before elaborating her thought, [color=#a2c4c9]“They’re all college-aged, young, physically fit.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“A war between the council and the monarchy wouldn’t be good for anyone. If he is an assassin, then it’s fair game to take him out.”[/color] Jason pulled the large car around another corner, noting his distance in relation to the medical examiner’s office. [color=#e06666]“I’m going to ditch the car, the Detective almost saw me earlier, I had to jinx an officer.”[/color] Blood muttered, pulling into an alley that was just wide enough to open the black coupe’s doors. [color=#e06666]“He should recover.”[/color] [color=#a2c4c9]“Should?”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Human minds are fragile.”[/color] Blood stated matter of factually, [color=#e06666]“Is the lead detective going to be a problem?”[/color] [color=#a2c4c9]“Burkhardt?”[/color] Liv responded, Jason noted the change in her voice. That immediately confirmed his suspicions. [color=#a2c4c9]“Burkhardt gets the weird cases, but he makes collars,”[/color] Her voice trailed off again,[color=#a2c4c9] “I’ve never liked the way he looks at me. Like he can see through me. You should be careful.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Lucky me.”[/color] The door creaked open as Blood stole away down a pair of narrow stairs. The smell of embalming fluid and ammonium was overpowering before he entered through the door left unlocked for him. Inside the petite woman with snow-white hair stood between a pair of examination tables, each with the autopsied body of a woman atop them. [color=#a2c4c9]“You don’t have a lot of time, the uniforms you just left behind in the forest are making their way in with the latest victim. I imagine Burkhardt and Griffin will be here shortly looking for answers.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“I need to see the bite marks,”[/color] Blood remarked, bypassing Liv before pouring over the pair of bodies. With care, he turned the head of the first girl, a single point of entry from a pair of fangs marred the carotid artery. He nodded with a grunt, spinning around and examining the second body, only to find the same. Blood’s brow furrowed. [color=#e06666]“How far apart were these two found?”[/color] He asked with a guttural tone. [color=#a2c4c9]“About three days, with the body today being only two days from the last of these,”[/color] Liv replied while reading over her notes. Blood buried his hands into his jacket, pushing his shoulders forward while heading for the door. Liv’s eyes went wide as his quick exit, reaching to stop him only to be met with a cold response. [color=#e06666]“He’s escalating, and he’s made a friend.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]