The strange brigade Often called The primitive knives is a special forces unit whose mission is simple: Destroy, or capture abnormal objects(supernatural, extraterrestrial, bio-hazardous, occult, among other terms). Human life above all, nothing else matters.. It works with many intelligence agencies around the world, and stays out of the spotlight. The Brigade is quite secretive, as they work to keep anomalous items away from the public, they wish to keep the human-race safe and oblivious to the objects that can either kill them or mutate them.. Some of the objects, ones that can benefit human life (curing stuff, healing, fixing, etc) are either, replicated and sold as a medication to the public pharmaceutical industry-after extensive testings that is-, if it's some sort of technology/machine, it's pushed to one company going by the name 'Ridge Technologies', and then sold on the public market while being heavily monitored, if it's a replicateable weapon, it is given to their own private security firm 'Eclipse Security'. Anything that is humanoid-With the classification of Charlie or beta- is to be kept locked away and treated with the UTMOST respect and care... From here on refereed to as abominations 'AB' for short/listing, their levels are as follows: Alpha; awaiting classification Beta;Contained/no threat level Charlie; Contained, possible threat, proceed with caution, pending termination approval/denial Delta; Contained, threat level high, find a way to terminate after extensive testing Gamma; Contained/uncontanable, threat level high, find a way to terminate ASAP. Futile; Threat level is severely high, object impossible to destroy, if the object can be contained it is to remain contained and to be destroyed as soon as possible with no delay. Terminated/Neutralized; Object is presumably destroyed, does not perceive a threat to humanity X-ray; reserved for humanoid objects that prove useful at helping the Brigade. There are monsters to called terror dogs or TDs. The big ones are referred to as kingpins. The medium sized ones are called Repals. The little ones are called runners. [hider=Rules]While this RP doesn't take itself seriously, we're gonna need a little here to make sure we're all on the same page. We do this, we all get to have wacky, fun characters and go for a thrill ride. If not, it sucks for everyone, please follow the following: Post length is expected to be Casual to Advanced- no one or two line posts, please. This means at minimum two paragraphs in a post- three being optimum to really flesh out your character's response and furthering of the plot. I don't prescribe a top end limit, but use your imagination on how much you can write in a single segment- if it's longer, feel free to write longer! Follow Wheaton's Law at all times. Don't be a dick-and while this RP is very fast and loose, if you're asked to bring something into line, expect there might be good reason for it. This RP will have adult themes, and romance is a part of that if you want it to be- however, nothing that the Gods of RPG wouldn't want on the public side when smut is concerned. If you want to go beyond, that shit goes off this RP into 1x1 if it is 18+ in any manner. Before that though, be my guest. Equally, I have no bloody problem with a bit of fucking swearing, you bunch of cunts, but don't take it to excess, all right, fuckers? A sense of humour is not optional. Please be good-natured and good-humoured to one another in the OOC. Minimum post of one per week, per person. If you can't post, please mention in the OOC or drop me a PM. If it's unexpected - i.e. family emergency, your internet goes out, etc - then just let me know when you come back, and I'll catch you up. These things happen. It is not my job to chase you to post! If you're interested enough to be here in the first place, then it's up to you to post. If you're 'too lazy' to keep up, then I'm too lazy to chase your arse to get you to do it. It's a matter of manners and etiquette. All characters are part of the military unit mentioned in the blurb above. No bad guys, no mercs, no foreign characters. This is to make things easier and more straightforward, and to keep internal consistency. Don't talk down to people. I don't care how much knowledge of real-world weapons and systems you might have, or how much of an encyclopedia on legs you are about such things. This is my world, and it works how I want it to. If you're trying to be a smartarse because you've found a 'loophole', then you're not playing in the spirit of things, and you should probably leave. That's even with an admittedly loose playbook. If I don't know about it, then it doesn't exist. You may have this amazing secret plot worked out for your character - but if you don't tell me about it, then it ain't happening. Because I've already got a storyline worked out, and if it doesn't fit, then it's not going in. Same with technology and whatever you 'think' it should be like- I am open to ideas, but tell me if you think it's something that makes you say "That might be too far out there". This is a near-future setting, and as such, isn't madly fantastical. Sure, mechs, exoskeletons and cloaking may be a thing, but there isn't interdimensional travel, let alone even interplanetary travel. No aliens, no anime, no high-school dramas either. There is no magic or supernatural content. Please respect the setting and keep it in mind- there's plenty of ridiculous and cool shit on offer, so play with that here- keep the other material to other RPs. GM's word is final. I appreciate people wanting to help, but final approval for plot, lore, and characters comes from me. Though, by all means, please feel free to make suggestions and help others with ideas and information where possible, and point out if something isn't there or working when it should be, because that helps us all. rule set courtesy By Fourtytwo, [/hider] the year is 2043, There is a Secret really big base in Washington DC on a mountain top where no one can see. [hider= CS]Name: Age: Appearance:(Add pic or description) Nationality: Callsign: Skills: History: Personality: Tactical Suit: (add picture or description.) Weapons: Equipment: Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Misc: (you don’t have to include this) [/hider] [hider= Technology] While there are many Androids and robots Fitz is the only one who is sentient, there are mechs holograms advanced planes and various weapons and vehicles and there are advanced phones and tablets like the ones in iron man etc. [/hider] [hider= Companies.] Crash industry: They’re an upcoming weapons manufacturer and Tech company. Feeds off bigger and smaller companies. merged with a bigger corporation called Cyber verve which was a major contributor to the military, now crash industries supply the military. Crayven Corporation: a private sector that provides Ex military Contractors to anyone who has money. Atlant Federal Government: or AFG, is much like The IAA and FBI. Ageira Technologies: makes Phones, computers, TVs, Gaming consoles, you name it they make it except for weapons and all that kind of stuff, it is rumored they are in the process of making the worlds most advanced Ai robots. Universal Shipping: or ULS, Self explanatory. Freyor defense: makes mechs and other equipment in Tokyo. [/hider] is based off Halo and cod advanced warfare etc.