[quote=@Rhona W] The picture is fine, thank you for changing it. Sometimes google image results are confusing. In terms of the modifications, I can see you made some changes and they're pretty good, but may I make the following suggestions: [list] [*]Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry [*]Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, guided bombs, and other ordnance. [*]Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks [*]Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view [*]Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 3 performance [*]Modernised IRSTS fitted [*]Red-and-black colour scheme [/list] Also while your characters' background and such are fine in content, it is a little difficult to read. Could you please review it for punctuation a little bit and also underline and/or bold the section headings? i.e. "[b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]" Thank you! [/quote] Alright thanks.