"It would be best if you didn't refer to Duke Thedric in that eway once we've arrived," Fanilly commented with a wince. Not that she necessarily expected the coarse-tongued mage to listen, but she had to try, if nothing else. "Though, given they've already sought the assistance of mages, I'm certain they'll allow to you cast on him, as long as it helps to discover what happened." If it was as she feared, Fanilly wasn't certain there would be any way to cure Duke Thedric's mind. At the same time, however, there were no reports of any kind of violence. The fact that the madness suddenly emerged abruptly, with no prior signs of any sort of mental decline, when he awoke one morning... Was it possible the shard was being used in some sort of plot targeting the nobility? Fanilly had to confess she doubted that possibility, moments after it rose in her mind. It wouldn't be a very efficient way to try and remove them from power. But it certainly seemed as if [i]something[/i] strange had happened. The stone-and-wood walls of Brennan loomed ahead, now. It wasn't as large as Aimlenn, certainly, but even from outside it was clear that Brennan's healthy trade had granted it a great deal of resources. There was a shout from atop the walls, and the great doors opened ahead of them. A young man with dark hair and green eyes, clad in fine blue-and-orange clothing with a sword on his hip and a cape on his back was there to greet them. Behind him stood an entourage of Brennan's garrisoned soldiers. "While I can't say I expected it, I'm glad you've come to offer your aid, Knight-Captain," the man said as he stepped forward, bowing his head, "I am Sir Aglan, and I wish I could welcome you and your knights to our city in better times." He let out a heavy sigh. "You may take your horses to the garrison stable, after that---" He hesitated a moment. Fanilly took a moment to glance past him. Brennan hardly seemed to be in a particularly unusual state. The stone path lead deeper into town, the buildings here near the gate made primarily of wood. But past them, she could see larger, stone buildings, and in the distance the second set of walls around the Duke's manor. There were people visible, too, going about their daily business. If she had to guess--- It was almost certain the matter of the Duke's madness had been kept from the people of Brennan. "---After that, it's best that you come and see the situation for yourself." [hr] "---And that's the proof that I am Prince Erion, and by my word, it is time to begin baking the cake that will reach the heavens!" Of all the things that Fanilly had expected, upon hearing of Duke Thedric's madness, this was nothing like any of them. His manor was a tall, stately building, surrounded by a small garden. It took up less space then a castle, but it still spoke of its lords' taste in natural surroundings and greenery. But the lord within... He was as Fanilly remembered him. Older, of course, but still tall and with a muscular, robust body. A thick, dark beard tinted with grey was matched by a full head of hair, and his blue eyes were bright. But he was wearing a bright pink dress, stretched over his muscular form, and thrusting a baguette into the air. "Now, come with me, comrades! We shall conquer the Kingdom of Pudding! We shall celebrate with the Lamplighters every day! And I shall sing the Song of Lythenne!" Did Duke Thedric even know the Song of Lythenne's untranslated high elven lyrics? "... As you can see, it's almost like a parody of madness," Sir Aglan said with a heavy sigh, as Duke Thedric lept onto his bed. It creaked audibly, "But nothing has worked to recover his wits. He simply woke up and began acting... like this." Fanilly hesitated. What did she say? This certainly wasn't the work of a shard of Angroron, but--- "I... I see," she began, "Did anything unusual happen, er, the night before?" "I wish you were the first who asked that, because then we might have an answer," Sir Aglan responded wearily, "Alas, no-one seems to have seen anything. There was a party late into the night, Duke Thedric retired to his bed afterwards, and awakened having gone mad."