[center][img]https://www.1001freefonts.com/font_preview.php?f=42067&s=100&t=Vier+Alma&c=4682B4&ffp=Rollance+Beauty.otf[/img][/center][hr] Waking up in his room, Vier took a moment to collect his thoughts after the experiences he gained in Talderia. Groaning a bit, he rolled out of bed and opened his windows, letting the night air cool him off as he shook the sleepiness from his eyes. Leaning on the windowsill, he looked out at the area and sighed. The weeks of training hit him all at once, and it took him some time to sort it out. Vier had a lot more experience to work with, and a new tool within his arsenal through shield focused magic. While his body was well rested, his mind was tired after it all, and he simply spent his days busying himself with menial tasks and training to get back to a routine. [hr] The trip was a bit longer than he’d have liked, but the mundanity was a welcome bonus. Dealing with a monarch’s madness didn’t quite seem like a job for knights so much as a doctor. Still, it was work, and Vier chuckles at the interaction between the knights, looking at the manor walls as they get closer to their destination. Out of all the things he wanted to learn when it came to becoming a knight, caring for horses was not something he could afford to take part in before he became a Rose, but the thought always was there. [hr] [color=SteelBlue]”I don’t know what I expected…”[/color] For the first time in a while, Vier didn’t know whether to laugh or offer the duke a hug. [color=SteelBlue][i]Where did he get the dress, and why is he wasting the bagu-Right, madness.[/i][/color] He leans against a wall and listens to the explanation of recent events, letting the skeleton for a timeline of events build up in his mind. [color=SteelBlue]“Did someone slip anything in his drink? Anyone who could get in and out of this room without drawing suspicion?”[/color] While he wasn’t a detective, basic things like figuring out the how and why of the duke’s condition would help the more book smart members of the Roses figure out the who and what.