Do other Azura rankle when they're being managed? … Do they even notice? No, really, honest question. There are… well, there're a frankly [i]staggering[/i] number of things she's. Not discovered. Discovered is the wrong word. Realized? Had the curtain pulled back on? Figured out. Things she's figured out through exposure to people with different needs built in at the molecular level. Do they notice when that disarming smile comes through and peels back the layers of defenses? You're never supposed to. The entire game is designed to let the administrators get on with their no-doubt important work without thinking of all the many, many steps that have to function at every level. … two sugars, please. … three. Just leave the bowl, please. It's built into her just as surely as in any servitor. The only difference is that now she's aware of it happening. …and yet. And yet, it's-- It's different, right? It's not managing. Not giving a series of easy, quick bursts of success, not out of a need to serve or a, a, an instinct, or-- She swirls the tea in her cup, and stares over its lip at the bundle of fluff in her tail. She's expected to say something, she's sure of it. But the words, not for the first time in the past few weeks, refuse to come. Alas, timelessness, alas. [i]Clink,[/i] goes another spoonful of sugar. It's not their fault, indeed. She stares again at--yes, at a friend. Not a Synnefo and his charge, but someone who, in a time of deep distress--and she's sure of that, even in the complete absence of any ability to point at what indicates it--a friend who took time to reassure her. There's probably a fight breaking out somewhere in the ship. A debate over how a baton was passed, or something to do with the Ceronian's pet magos. She takes another sip, and holds him as tightly as she dares. Security, warmth, and, yes, friendly comfort. "It's… nice, not to have to wage this alone," she admits. Lets the sentence dangle, as if to invite the comment. How long have you been alone? How must it feel to have… Well, a listening ear? You can tell. She keeps secrets for her friends.