Yes, but a linden was a [i]tree[/i]; a solid and sturdy emplacement. She was naming a charger here; a noble mount for a battle. Most emphatically [i]not[/i] a carthorse, nor something that she wished to test the sturdiness of. Much better if her horses never found themselves in such harm, as effective as a charge could be. This influx of mercenary footmen [i]had[/i] reduced their ability to do that, and so far the vampire hadn't found reason to complain... [hr] This... Well, this situation was a farce. The lord appeared a man merely playing at madness rather than addled and now Fionn was [i]playing along.[/i] Honestly... no, there was nothing she could offer here. Some prayer, perhaps, but that was just another reason to remove herself from this situation before it gave her a headache. And ruined any remaining good mood from the trip. "If anyone needs me I'll be looking after the horses." There, that was something that needed doing, and someone had to help the stablehands out. Or make sure they hadn't gotten bitten...