[quote=@Srpv] [@Rhona W] I was meaning to get back to that that darn pride of mine overzealed me though to ignore the cropdusters, too. And since using a touch screen mobile device, well anyways. I’ll use the Skorpion, thanks. My Character: Name: Sebastian Dabrowski. Callsign/Nickname: Venom. Age: 32. Gender: M Appearance: [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/82b6700a-2e72-4aa6-a38a-537403fcc56c.jpg[/img] Nationality: Poland. Personality: Sharp, immaculate, mellow, and merry. History: Dad was a Polish Air Force Kapral. Has a Lady waiting at Home. Personal Gear: white Helmet with sliding shades, green flightsuit, gloves and boots. Flashlight, compass, atlas map, Dagger, Incindiary Grenade Belt. Personal Aircraft: PZL-230 Skorpion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZL-230_Skorpion Aircraft modifications: It’s brown camo, Polarized Pitshield, and the Wings can segment inwise and extend parallel. [/quote] I love the use of a GI Joe figure as a character image, that's different, but fun. I'd like you to expand the history a little bit more, and to format the titles/headings for the profile to be underlined - but approved pending the changes.