[color=lightblue]"Seeking out pointers might not be a terrible idea, though I wouldn't fight from horseback if I could help it."[/color] Rolan had already several plans to abandon the horse should conflict come up abruptly, the only reason to not do so would be if a retreat was immediately in order. Even then, he suspected he had better odds making for the tree line and escaping through the woods, but that should not be needed. Before that train of thought could even start, however, Ser Renar interrupted, though for good reason it seemed. [color=lightblue]"Ser Renar. It is fair to say I know a thing or three about alchemical mixtures, yes."[/color] Rolan met the quieter, lower tone with one of his own, recognizing an attempt at discretion when it was made. An interesting consideration, one that earned some respect from Rolan, more so than anything else. A safe concession to make that an untraceable poison, one that is wholly natural, would be too unlikely to be in play here. Especially one that simply struck the victim mad rather than dead. [color=lightblue]"I am inclined to agree, my concern is that all the mages and priests might overlook something mundane."[/color] Ser Fionn made a broad question to everyone, though Tyaethe seemed to assume they would just be idling around while the Captain worked, investigated, and waited for orders. Oh no, he would not be idle simply because there was no combat to be had. Even if he could not cure the madness, he could look into how it came about. Gertrude continued to be herself, once again reminded that the part of him hoping she had not come back with them had been thoroughly disappointed, but she could banter and argue with the other practitioners of the magical arts. Ser Aglan was a tad younger than expected, but judging by the general peace and calm of those they passed, it was safe to assume that the madness of the Duke was a well kept secret right now. Hopefully seeing the madness first hand would give them a hint as to what caused it. [hr] [color=lightblue]"I am at a genuine loss for words..."[/color] To say Rolan was even more confused than before would be an understatement. The moment he laid eyes on the Duke and his antics, it was safe to rule out anything natural. He could make something that would leave someone delirious, probably, but not to this extent and certainly not for this long. That meant it was probably something magical in nature, which placed it much further outside his realm of debatable expertise. Ser Vier seemed concerned about something being slipped into drinks, which was a reasonable direction to look, however, anything he could think of in a drink would have worked out of the Duke's system by now. Fionn, Fionn started engaging the Duke in his own madness, causing Rolan to blink in disbelief at the display. No, no, he was not going to touch on that one at all, rather he stepped over to speak quietly with Ser Aglan to ask his own question while Tyaethe declared her intent to tend to the horses. [color=lightblue]"Ser Aglan, where did this party take place, in specific? And has anyone else been stricken mad? I am hoping something was overlooked where the party took place, and since I assume we do not want word of this madness spreading, asking the other party goers would not be wise."[/color] Rolan intended to investigate where the party took place, since the secrecy around the Duke's madness meant he could not go asking the others present at the time what happened. It had to be better than standing around here watching a grown man parade around in a dress too small for him. Honestly, at least have the decency to have it properly fitted before madly dancing around in it.