[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BHScL9w.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,552 (+3) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (142/100) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 1 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town S.O.U. Building Seiran Clinic Underground Roadway (Seiran Rebel Base Outskirts) Below City of glass entrance (plate maintenance tunnel) Vandelay Campus (Alleyway) Arahabaki’s entrance Deep Ground - the Source [/hider] [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”alright that’s enough out of you”[/color] Midna told the dead end express, flicking a switch and putting an end to the runaway train’s attempts to grind through the massive set of corruption sealed metal doors at the end of the corridor she and Pit and just cleared. With the machine finally silenced, Midna could just barely hear the sound of fighting from the other side of the other side. Then just as soon as they’d begun to be audible, they were drowned out by an explosion, followed by silence, and then cheers broke out. [color=Aquamarine]”Wonder what that was all about”[/color] she asked herself as she rubbed the ear she’d pressed to the door to try and find out what was going on (and got quite the earful of Legion’s explosive end as a result). Before the princess could turn and tell the troops that the way was barred however, the corruption holding the door shut withered and died along with its master, leaving the thoroughly saw shredded door to collapse and reveal the great hall to be on the opposite side. Within she saw the tail end of the victorious angels ascending through the ceiling, and after calling for her troop’s attention, summoned her flygon and moved to follow them. As such she arrived outside just in time to get blinded by the return of the sun, and to be the only person not happy about this fact, squinting behind her mask and raising a hand to the glare. [color=Aquamarine]”More twilight would have been just fine”[/color] she grumbled as she blinked away the lingering dots in her vision and actually got a look at what was coming. The haziness of her sight left her initially confused as to what she saw, but at this point flying ships and vehicles weren't exactly out of the ordinary, even if them being shaped like literal ships this time was a bit odd. As she drew her weapons and prepared for battle, the second support spell arrived in the form of a pulse of slight warmth followed by the idea of a burning ember appearing in her mind. It felt like potential and smelled, or seemed like it would smell away, a bit like Midgar for some reason. A dream of a Midgar that could be: a glowing bastion of hope rather than the blight it had been in reality. Either way, she was initially filled with trepidation, eyeing the magic with analytical suspicion, as were her troops, but another group off to the flank was not, or so it seemed, as their weapons lit up almost immediately. Exactly like how the corrupted troop’s weapons had been before they all went out suddenly, the princess noted, which she found quite odd. Still [color=Aquamarine]”Power’s power”[/color] she declared after finding no obvious trap in the spell, and accepted the boon as she took off on flygon back. As she did, her lance began to glow red hot, while so too did the claws of her flygon, which seemed to cause it no harm despite its vulnerability to flames. Meanwhile the princess’s other true hand gripped her steed for support, while her two false arms began to pluck at her lyre as they rose adding her own wide reaching support to the battle that caused musical bolts to arch up and out towards a third of the foes who had dared strike at the already embattled angels. [color=Aquamarine]”Let’s rip the fodder from the sky, and then we’ll all tear apart the titan!”[/color] Midna commanded her squad as they approached the fighting. With her music already playing havoc on the archers on the ships that should be quite a quick task. Unfortunately the titan in question had different ideas, picking her out as a priority target and unleashing a veritable swarm of cherub-faced missiles her way. And the way of her squad. [color=Aquamarine]”Scatt-”[/color] began to command because no one but a feather-shield would be blocking those and there where not enough of them in her squad to do so, before being struck by a thought and swapping it to [color=Aquamarine]”Up! Gain altitude and stick together!”[/color] The troops reacted quickly, flapping hard to gain altitude, while the princess turned on her steed and watched, waiting, as the missiles arched upwards towards them, closing fast even as they wove to and fro chaotically on their flight path. [color=Aquamarine]”On my signal, we dive towards them”[/color] she ordered, holding, holding, and then at the last moment commanding [color=Aquamarine]”Now”[/color] right after opening a portal and launching a super-sized darknut out of it, its shield unfurling a massive energy barrier around it. It, naturally, fell, but it fell down into the path of the missiles as they rose to meet them, shots slamming into the shield. A second later the darknut disappeared into another portal, but the resulting 10mps it was falling at made for a wince inducing landing back in the twilight realm. She was not using it again till she got it repaired, that was for sure. The shots that slipped around it tried to arch around the back to try and still hit their targets behind, but said target had dived down after their protector, leaving the missiles to slam into each other as the divers beat their turning speed in their rapid descent. Mostly. One survived the multi missile pileup and came rocketing down after them, gaining on the wings powered angels, only for Midna to reach out and grab it with a shadow hand, the princess holding the missile back as her bows spun around in their fall and filled it full of searing arrows, setting it ablaze and detonating it in the process. [color=Aquamarine]”New plan, we take out the big one first!”[/color] she ordered now that they were clear, getting them to bank their dive and fly straight for the titan that was Worship. It tried to stop them, naturally, but its slow to aim prow beam laser was beaten by a [color=Aquamarine]”scatter!”[/color] after which they closed in on it… Only to be confounded by a golden hexagonal barrier protecting its front faces, one which Midna slammed a shadow hand into repeatedly to no avail til a feather lose to her relayed a shout she’d not heard about how “the sides aren't protected princess” Behind the front facing sun shaped array, the [url=https://i.imgur.com/AwuHWNC.jpeg]rear[/url] of the ship was a (comparatively) thin cylinder with two great fins rising and falling from it. The central cylinder also sported another one of those faces the infantile angles all had, one which did not seem pleased when a feather shot an arrow into it. The hiding swarm of Cachets & Compassions hovering behind the protective front shell didn’t seem very pleased either, buzzing forth to meet them like a flock of angry bees. Still, they were hardly a threat compared to what they’d faced before. The main issue was the hatches opening on the side of the ship that fired spheres of light and a much more manageable amount of missiles at the princess and her troops. [color=Aquamarine]”Swords, take the pests! Shields, protect the others. I’ll see to the ship!”[/color] Midna commanded, before diving in on the back of her steed. It weaved around a Compassion, allowing the princess to joust it with her searing hot lance before swooping onward, leaving the burning foe in their wake. The face on the side of the ship opened its mouth impossibly wide, revealing a cannon that fired another light bolt, but the princess merely slapped this away and retaliated by flicking her lance and sending a slice shaped shot of her own right back at it. The several times taller than her face closed up defensively, leaving it unable to attack as her flygon closed in and began slashing at it with dragon claw attacks that ignited the face as it hacked away. As it did Midna turned back to watch the skies, arc slashing an incoming Cachet with another lance beam only to be almost bucked from her nonexistent saddle as the flygon suddenly kicked up and away from the ship. [color=Aquamarine]”What’s the problem, thing?”[/color] she began to ask, only to see the problem: a fleshy three jawed fanged maw lunging out from where the face had split in half to release it. [color=Aquamarine]”oh. gross”[/color] she declared it as her flygon narrowly avoided being snapped up by the mouth that could have swallowed them whole. The horrific maw snapped shut and then withdrew, covered up again by the face which was looking a fair bit worse for wear. Rather than waste any more time with half measures, she promptly slammed a balled up shadow hand into it over and over till it tried to fight back with its mouth again. When it did, she grabbed it by the ‘neck’ using her shadow hand, dragon claws digging into it as she did, before flow motion leaped off of her flyogon to latch onto the ship’s hull with six claws of her own, dropping her stuff into a portal to do so. Then she heaved and pulled, straining with muscled and magic till she ripped the maw out from behind the cherub-like face entirely, gutting it in the process. Corrupt meat fell away while the princess flow motion leaped back onto her flygon and then upon it flew back to join her squad. They were, it had to be said, in rough shape. In killing the face she’d silenced the guns on this side of the ship, but before they'd gone silent they’d given the angels a beating while they kept any enemies off of her back, and they were in no state to do so again. [color=Aquamarine]”We’ve done what we can, let’s fall back to recover”[/color] she decided, pulling her beleaguered troops out of the center of the fighting and back towards the ivory citadel.