[b]MIKA[/b] Hearing Bobby call out that he was in the kitchen made Mika smirk. ‘Of course you are’ she thought to herself as she began to walk through the corridor, meeting him half way and just hugging him back gladly. She didn’t realise how much she needed it until she felt his arms around her. “Oh I could be worse looking that’s for sure.” she told him before sighing, pulling away just enough to look at him so she could give him the run down on everyone’s states. “They’re not great in all honesty Bobby. The job went south real bad….they kidnapped Nat, but we got her back thanks to Cason but it was bad Bobby…she came so close to dying” she began to explain, trying to hold it together as saying those words out loud was too much. “Duke did die, but he’s somehow alive again and with us still but he’s in bad shape, needs so much rest. Esme isn’t in great shape either from trying to help save Nat but I don’t know what happened exactly. Cason is shit scared of her right now. Dean is barely holding it all together from everything and I’m about mentally in the same state.” she continued before sighing. “As for Sam and Anna I’m not a hundred percent sure, but she’s pretty beat up and not talking with Dean. Honestly? It’s just too much right now. But I will warn you now, Nat is stuck to Cason like glue….they seem to uhh….have something between them. So please just be civil?” she requested after finishing her run down on how everyone was. A yawn escaped her lips, making her raise her hand to cover her mouth as she did so, showing that the four hour drive and everything prior to it was taking it’s toll on her finally. It was clear she hadn’t slept a single moment in the car even though she probably should have. “I really thought we were screwed Bobby, I really did. We nearly lost everyone but Dean hasn’t coped nearly loosing Duke and Nat.” she remarked as she waited for everyone else to make their way inside. A tear was threatening to escape yet again, making her wipe it before it did. “When I saw Nat being pulled out of a pool? I can’t begin to tell you what I thought… I never wanna see her looking lifeless and soaking wet again” she told him. [b]NATALIA[/b] Feeling Cason’s hand wrap around her own was comforting. It became clear to her that he wasn’t willing to let her be out of touching distance from him as much as she was. His answer to her question made her nod in understanding. She knew what Bobby was like, just like the rest of them and she was determined in her tired state to make sure Bobby didn't do anything to make Cason leave, or trap him in one spot for the whole visit. “I will, I promise” she replied to him, just in time before she saw Anna arriving, jumping out the truck, over to Cason and throwing herself on him in a hug. The reaction seemed a little over the top to her, but she wasn't going to question it, at least not for a good long while. She let Cason hug Anna back, even though he still refused to let go of her own hand in the process. Nat didn't need to be a genius to work out that Anna was about to or trying to say ‘how did you get out’, which made her raise an eyebrow. ‘just what the hell happened in that barn?’ she thought to herself, watching as Cason managed to calm Anna down before she walked back to Sam who was walking round the truck to meet everyone else. Her attention drew to Dean for a moment though when he called Anna asking to talk, only for Anna to say a pretty scathing remark back. ‘ok, I really gotta know what the hell happened back there when I was gone’ she thought again, not wanting to say it out loud just yet as she had a feeling she was not going to like the answer she wanted to know. With a tired sigh, she led Cason to the house and inside, but not before pausing in front of him, kneeling down with a wince and checking the devil's traps. She found one next to the door which made her pull out a pocket knife and scratch a piece out to break the markings, making it completely void. Standing up again with a groan of pain, she looked back at Cason, “you're good” she told him. She didn't even pay attention to the fact that Mika was talking to Bobby just up ahead in the hallway opening that led to the kitchen. She just wanted to get them both inside so she could have a drink and collapse onto a seat. She waited for Cason to walk in, as she then noticed Mika chatting with Bobby and overheating the very end of their conversation about how scared Mika was seeing her looking lifeless. It made her feel sad all over again, hearing how Mika felt in that moment broke her heart. It was becoming more clear to her just how much no one wanted to lose her and she did have a place in this family. “hey Bobby” she finally spoke up once she felt she could and Cason was back beside her. Seeing even Mika turn round and lean into him whispering something before heading straight to the kitchen for those beers. [b]SAM[/b] Sam sat back when she woke up abruptly, not wanting to accidentally get headbutted in the process of her whipping her head up and looking around. He barely got to say another word before Anna was out like a shot and sprinting towards Cason. He understood why though, having mostly guessed that's what she would do the moment she saw him. They had a long history after all and he couldn't deny her seeing him after thinking he was dead in the barn. He also saw how Dean got completely ignored and he just knew she was still incredibly pissed at him. Getting out the truck himself, slower than Anna did, he walked round to see the others, but leaned against the truck so he could stretch his stiff limbs after driving for so long. He didn't mind long drives, but more as a passenger, he didn't enjoy them as much being the driver. He didn't know how Dean could handle it without feeling like his hands and ankles would just seize up and get stuck in that same driving position. He ran his hand through his hair as he let the cold air wake him up a little bit, seeing Anna hug Cason and chest before deciding to come back to him. When Dean asked to talk to Anna, he glanced over at his brother, not sure how Anna was going to take the request but knew it wouldn't be a polite reaction either way and he was right. Anna spoke to his brother with such callousness that it made him wince from second hand emotional pain of hearing those last words. It put him in the most awkward position as Anna's other half and Dean's brother, not knowing how to handle that situation whatsoever. Sure he had his moments where he said some scathing things to Dean, but this was different this time. He was on the outside of this conflict and he didn't know how to deal with it. “I'm gonna have to ask Mika for advice ..” he mumbled under his breath now getting an understanding of how she must have felt when he argued with Dean and she was the one in the middle. With Anna back to him, he looked up and took her hand, “wanna head in? Get out of the cold?” He asked her, even though he had no initial plans to stay outside any longer than he wanted to. Looking round at the group, he saw Mika had already gone in and Nat was now leading Cason inside before he could even go to his sister himself. He also saw the full state and situation with Esme and Duke, seeing how bad they were. “I think we all need to get inside and relax” he commented to her, knowing he was ready to just get a drink and go to sleep, holding Anna so he knew she wouldn't disappear on him like she did at the barn thanks to the demons.