Bump again, with some ideas and a bit of editing. - Hidden on the acreage are fields of opium and graveyards to those who have wronged the family or those they're connected with. After coming home, Jaymie finds herself pulled into modern day organized trafficking and crime that she was kept away from in her younger years. (This could be expanded.) - Related to the above, Jaymie finds herself in a whirlwind romance after saving someone's life who couldn't go a doctor after being hurt. - Childhood friend reconnection! After going out into the big, wide world, both of them found their way back to the ranch life and find safety and comfort in one another after horrible relationships/marriages. - On the opposite side of crime, the Roberts family could be trying to clean up the county of criminals, hunting supernatural critters, etc. [url=https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=jcyfC2flOYM&si=_aP3LSSD_s006Jxj]Musical inspiration for the new title.[/url]