[hider=Boston “Queen” Dyer][center][hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/mbezFdz.jpeg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Boston Dyer [b][u]Callsign/Nickname:[/u][/b] Queen [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 30 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][indent]Standing at 5’ 5”, fairly standard for most Americans, Boston has taken on just a little bit of weight since he first joined, lost a good bit of hair since he first commissioned, and generally speaking has grown a well and true dad bod for all comparative purposes. He’s gained a good few wrinkles on his face, too, frowns and the like, something that the man keeps adding to in an almost habitual way. [/indent][hr][b][u]Nationality:[/u][/b] American [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][indent]A buzzkill and a half, sarcastic as one ought to be whenever the stupid bullshit gets brought up, Boston treats flying like a trucker treats driving. It’s his job, he likes his job, and he thinks that not everyone can do his job. Delivering ordinance onto target, removing a contact from his radar, or removing an enemy radar site are all treated with the same cold, clean professionalism as might be seen from a US Postal Service employee. Jobs get done and people go home. To the other pilots, Boston can be seen as abrasive as ever, calling out antics if he sees them. [/indent][b][u]History:[/u][/b][indent]Born 1989 in Philadelphia, Boston Dyer grew up as a “upper” lower class kid - food never plentiful, but reliable, and a pair of blue collar parents on the cusp of retirement. Fifteen years in, though, the world ended with the so-called “Heavenfall” incident and everything turned upside-down. Evacuations by FEMA and National Guard began rapidly, moving populations away from the New England area while those regions were ravaged by tsunamis and floods, thought to be temporary at first before the degree of the disaster was evident to all. Ocean levels increased across the world, and the temporary home of the Dyer family in Illinois became very, very permanent. His parents worked their way through as paid volunteers with FEMA in the newly-expanded town of Decatur, and Boston tried to live life as best he could. When he was able to though, Boston moved off to somewhere maybe a little better. He joined the US Air Force through the Academy in Colorado. As a student, life was relatively easy for the young man as he excelled through many portions of the Academy, though would encounter some initial difficulties in the G-force simulator. Physically speaking, Boston had grown somewhat malnourished, just under the bar for acceptance into the Air Force Academy even with the recently laxened standards, and PT proved a struggle at most of all times. Despite this, Boston moved around the country from Colorado to Texas, and when he graduated was assigned to a F-15 squadron. With that squadron, Boston would find the future love of his life, Jane, a WSO with one of the other pilots. In time, though, Boston found himself disliking the issues here and there with the US Air Force. Broken and bloodied by the “Heavenfall” incident, they rarely were able to fly aside from a few here, there, rarely able to really train, rarely able to fly on any missions at all. The US had grown unable to maintain its connection of overseas endeavors and flights over Canada and Mexico were obviously seen as not quite as necessary. Boston had grown to elope with Jane, then, and deciding that they actually did want to fly for someone, somewhere, and actually do things against the dictators one could hear about on the news now and again the pair decided that re-commissioning and re-enlistment was against their best interests. The pair moved off and away, joining up with Shattered Steel soon enough. Since then, and now married, the couple has flown many missions with the PMC with their now-beloved aircraft “Freight Train”. [/indent][/hider][hr][hider=Jane “Woj” Dyer][center][hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/9U0ZLHl.jpeg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Jane Dyer née Wojtkiewicz [b][u]Callsign/Nickname:[/u][/b] Woj [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 34 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][indent]Measuring 5’ 3”, with brown hair and a pretty alright tan, Jane can be considered skinny by the impolite, thin by the neutral, and lithe by the generous. She’s moderately built despite all visual indications otherwise, something brought on by a habit of jogging and hiking. [/indent][hr][b][u]Nationality:[/u][/b] American [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][indent]Smiles, laughs, and a vibe of that good aunt who made stomachs full and kids behave, Jane’s a people person through-and-through. Neighbors are friends without exception, and she treats the squadron like neighbors too. For the most part, the RIO likes to keep things on the bright side, to give the benefit of the doubt, likes to give patience to people who’re maybe a little slower than most. Jane has a bit of an anger problem, though, a snapping point few find and fewer still forget. [/indent][b][u]History:[/u][/b][indent]Born 1985 in Alaska, the land of deep ocean fishing and hunting, Jane’s parents did precisely that. Living up in Russian Mission, small town as might be on the Yukon, she always did want to do something else. Planes always did fascinate her, from the small engine props that delivered the mail to the jets the Air Force flew out from the state, from the freedom it all offered to the wonderful feeling of the future that it seemed to have. At the first opportunity, she went off to the US Air Force, just a year before the Heavenfall and the loss of most of the Alaskan wilderness. She worked through it all, though, becoming a RIO for a F-15 squadron. It wasn’t as glamorous as being a fighter pilot, true, but Jane’s reflexes never were wholly up to par for that ordeal and in some ways, she was glad with it. Affable enough, Jane found a lot of friends throughout the squadron and eventually would grow close to Boston, one of the pilots. He’d convince her that they could do good elsewhere, with one of the PMCs working in the south, that they could actually fly instead of becoming relics from a time when the US could bring its Air Force to bear whenever needed. He’d convince her that they could have fun, too, a couple and a half as an open secret to the rest of the squadron. They went off, quick as could be, down to the southern hemisphere. Shattered Steel was the first and last option, one of the more respectable PMCs among all the others, and Jane found she actually somewhat liked flying “Freight Train”. While not at all famous, the couple have become pretty well respected within the PMC’s ranks as reliable, no-nonsense. [/indent][/hider][hr][hider=Aircraft][b][u]Personal Gear:[/u][/b][indent]M-4 Carbine 2 x M-9 Pistols Gameboy SP Notepad / Pencil [/indent][b][u]Personal Aircraft:[/u][/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Dynamics_F-111_Aardvark]General Dynamics F-111[/url] “Freight Train” [b][u]Aircraft Modifications:[/u][/b][indent]- Improved Electronics ([url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/APG-83]AN/APG-83[/url] SABR, Fly-By-Wire, HUD) - Improved Engines ([url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_TF30]Pratt & Whitney TF30[/url] replaced with [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_F119]Pratt & Whitney F119[/url]) - Improved Wing Pylons (Strengthened for 2,000 kg) - Painted [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-flash_white]anti-flash white[/url] with [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_stripes]invasion stripes[/url] on wings [/indent][/hider][hr][b][u]Anything Else:[/u][/b][indent] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dPaVk4G1jg]Collective Consciousness[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdmhyEqCINM]Oh Shit I'm Feeling It[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wokx576v5Y0]Schostakovich Quartet No. 8[/url] - The couple wears open Aloha shirts between their flight suits and gear[/indent]