[b]March 12th, 2014 Shattered Steel Headquarters, '[i]The Forge[/i]' Unnamed island in the Bahamas 10:30 Hours Local Time [/b] [b]Scott[/b] paced back and forth in front of the large wall-mounted monitor again, his boots squeaking on the flooring of the meeting room. Anxiously, he glanced toward the door to the room and back at the laptop on the desk for the umpteenth time. His pacing was interrupted by an annoyed sigh of breath, and he glanced to the end of the front row of seats, and Kat 'KK' Kane, his RIO. She scowled at him, her single ice blue eye giving him a stern, disapproving look that he momentarily bristled at, before deflating, a wry smile creeping on his lips, matched by an amused one from her. "All right, fine; I'll stop pacing. I'm just... nervous. It's been a long time since I've been responsible for anyone else. Well, in a professional capacity anyway. Command always seemed... out of my reach" Kat sighed again and gave him a slight, sympathetic smile, speaking up in her rough, ragged, hushed voice. "If the higher-ups didn't think you had what it took, then you wouldn't be standing there, ready to handle the briefing. And you and I both know you've got the experience and the record to back it up" Scott sighed himself and nodded, leaning on the desk, and gazing the screen of his hardened laptop without really seeing it as he pondered. "...Yeah, you're right. I've done as much preparing as I can do; I've read all of their dossiers and records, and I've reviewed the mission brief and intel. All I can do now is wait for them all to turn up". He frowned and checked his watch, and then glanced at the clock on the wall of the classroom-like briefing room. "Speaking of which... where [i]are[/i] they, they should be starting to arrive now...