[b][u]Bell[/u][/b]gives Sebastian a head tilt and and mutters to himself something that literally no one could understand but it kinda sounds like he said [color=ed1c24]“what is he, the terminator?”[/color] he grabs a Dr Pepper from a vending machine and drinks it and continues to sit on the desk. And smokes a cigar. He looks at the clock and raises his eyebrow and grabs a completely random book from a counter and reads it because he’s bored as hell. Halfway through the book the book ends and it’s just empty pages and he says [color=ed1c24]“Who buys a book from wish.com” Jesus”[/color] he says comedically And throws the random persons book in the trash and says [color=ed1c24]“buy better books next time”[/color] and everyone’s looking at him and he says [color=ed1c24]“What”[/color]and genuinely looks confused.