A rapid clacking announced the arrival of another member of the new squadron, a strawberry blonde so petite that even in heels she was by some distance the shortest person in the room. She made up for it by being impeccably chic - she wore the blouse and pencil skirt of Shattered Steel's dress uniform, sharply tailored and subtly personalised. Nothing to draw undue attention, just the slightest of tweaks - the lapels a little narrower and higher to frame the chin better, hidden darts to give room for the chest without bagging the shoulders... the untrained eye would notice nothing except that somehow she made the uniform look like a couture outfit. And over that, she had thrown with studied insouciance a battered bomber jacket covered in patches from a dozen commands - most from the Armée de l'Air, a few from other PMCS, one or two of them defunct. The clacking stopped and Aurélie stood before her new commander, snapping off a crisp salute. "Bouchard, callsign Chevy. Enchanté."