
Some recurring friendly NPCs that you'll be dealing with on a regular basis.

[b][u]Theo Wiseman[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Guru
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 55
Slim and athletic. Theo is 5'7" in height. He has calm, blue eyes that sparkle with his intelligence and humour. His face shows age with crow's feet and laughter lines, and he mostly has a calm, approachable smile on his face... but when that disappears is when you know things are serious. He is always very well-dressed and presented, even managing to make a flight suit look smart.

Theo is the Wing Commander for the Tactical Air Wing of Shattered Steel. This makes him Scott's immediate commanding officer. Very experienced and highly skilled, he has a somewhat fatherly, encouraging, warm demeanour at most times and has a wily, clever, sharp mind. 
He is English, and formerly flew with the British Royal Navy. He lost his wife during the Heavenfall, and has a son and daughter still in England, working in the civilian world. 
He still keeps his flying current and his skills sharp, often surprising other pilots in training exercises by appearing as an adversary pilot, flying his heavily modified and upgraded [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Havilland_Sea_Vixen]Sea Vixen.[/url] 

[b][u]Lars Nielssen[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Snowman
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 34
6'00" tall, rugged and barrel-chested with lanky limbs. He always has a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, only seeming to dim or droop at the corners when he is stressed. 


Lars serves as the pilot of the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_C-130J_Super_Hercules]C-130J Hercules[/url] multi-role transport plane that supports the Cobalt Haze squadron. Working closely with Lilah, the pair are an inseprable double-act and bounce off of one another in good humour and their personalities in general. He rarely talks about his home in Norway or his family life, but has mentioned a sister from time-to-time and a childhood growing up on a farm.

[b][u]Lilah Nkosi[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Lily
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 27
5'5" and with a fairly athletic build. Lilah moves with an easy, cocky confidence. Her flight suit and uniform are always accentuated by colourful jewelery or bands to keep her full head of hair in check. 


Lilah was born in South Africa, but her family emigrated to England when she was young. She was lucky to have grown up without Apartheid and after it ended, but inner city London and the East End was still a place of hard lesson and urban realities. 
As such, she grew up knowing how to look after herself, and with a lot of first-hand knowledge and experience of often dangerous and grim realities living on the edges of poverty. 
She joined the RAF after graduating from college as a way out of a life of gangs, violence and crime, prompted by the death of her brother in a petty argument between gangs. 
Always fascinated by machines, aircraft even more enthralled her and the clean break and new life energised her. She eventually managed to get a role as a transport pilot as she meshed and melded with her new role and life more than she could have imagined. 
After the Heavenfall, the RAF had worked with the various PMCs as part of their obligations to their role in the N/UN. She met Lars during this time and the two fell into an easy friendship. After several escapades not long after their first meeting, he coaxed and tempted her into joining the Shattered Steel PMC, serving as his co-pilot for the C-130J. 

[b][u]Miles Saint Claire[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Traveller
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 28
Miles is 5'6", and has a runner's or swimmer's build. He has a disarming, charming smile and moves with a fluid grace. He is quite easy-going, and tends to take people as they come, but is very professional when working. He has a strong belief in the justice and rights of other people, and will stand up for them whenever he feels they are challenged or threatened.


Miles grew up in France, and served with the Gendarmerie as a helicopter pilot in their air support wing. He became infamous for his daring and confident flying. However, he was forced to leave after an incident where he struck a commanding officer, after finding out about their abuse of someone under their command. 
Still wanting to fly, he joined Shattered Steel and resumed his duties as a helicopter pilot, expanding more into military roles, flying a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurocopter_AS565_Panther]Eurocopter Panther[/url] with Brigitte as his co-pilot.

[b][u]Brigitte Billet[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Showgirl
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 28
Brigitte is a transwoman; though only with a keen eye would one be able to tell. She often has a smile on her face, albeit a somewhat nervous one, though get her to open up, and she'll be the life of a party and light up a room with her laughter.
She dresses in fairly androgynous clothes, often things that hide her figure or soften it somewhat - well, when not in her uniform. Nonetheless, she has a lot of colour to her, and wears a lot of jewelry and accessories with her outfits.


Brigitte's life was originally set to be very different. She - then he - originally had an on-stage career as an actor, working in theatre, and then later small roles in TV and film. After their transition, Brigitte still had a good career, with several roles, becoming something of a small-time icon and celebrity. 
However, when the Heavenfall happened, Brigitte left the showbiz industry and enlisted in the Belgian Navy, becoming a helicopter pilot. Later, she joined Shattered Steel, after receiving a better offer from them.

[b][u]Gunther Wolfman[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Wolf
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 57
Gunther has a sturdy, muscular build that matches his relatively compact height of 5'5". He has a greying full beard and hair, though he often wears a worn, stained baseball cap covering his head. His mechanics' overalls likewise show their use and experience. 
He often looks gruff and miserable... and often comes across that way, but has been known to smile.  


Gunther was a mechanic with the German Luftwaffe for many years, and worked on a variety of aircraft and vehicles there. He cross-trained with numerous air arms around the world, as well as spells in the civilian world. 
He was head-hunted for Shattered Steel due to his reputation and experience, and became the maintenance crew chief for Cobalt Haze squadron. While he comes across as gruff and grumpy, especially when it comes to the pilots causing damage to 'his' planes, in reality he drives himself and his crew to give nothing but the best performance and work for the aviators he supports, so that they can do the best jobs they possibly can.

[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Skywatch
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] ??

"Skywatch" is the female operator that provides and feeds information to the Cobalt Haze squadron pilots from the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_E-2_Hawkeye]E-2D Advanced Hawkeye[/url] AWACS plane that often accompanies them or is in the same area for their missions and operations. 

[hider=Val Glass]
[b][u]Valerie 'Val' Glass[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] N/A
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 35
A fit, trim woman of 5'5" in height, Val looks as professional as she is... most of the time. Due to her role mostly being an official liason, she usually is dressed in a well-tailored N/UN air forces uniform. 


Val enlisted in the US Navy out of college, intending on becoming a career officer, following in the footsteps of her father before her, and his before him. She was never interested in aviation, and instead pursued a career commanding vessels. She met Scott during both of their academy days, and they formed a strong friendship, that later bloomed into a tempestuous, on-again, off-again relationship. 
Eventually, Val got her wish and became captain of a Frigate, carving herself out an admirable career, before later being promoted into a 'shoreside' role with the N/UN, where she was part of the N/UN military department responsible for managing and liaising with PMCs, and specifically with Shattered Steel.

[hider=Sergeant Fletcher]
[b][u]Sergeant Fletcher[/u][/b]
[b][i]Callsign/Nickname:[/i][/b] Sarge, Fletch, TDC (That Damn Cat), others
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Unknown
A very large, brown tabby and white tomcat. Blessed or cursed with a serious case of 'resting cat face'. Despite this, he is actually surprisingly friendly. And surprisingly agile, despite his fatness.


No one is entirely sure where this cat came from, who he belongs to, or who looks after him. But somehow, he seems to have 'adopted' Shattered Steel, and has a knack to just... [i]appear[/i] in places, as cats do. 
Friendly, for the most part, he is often found sleeping in various places around the base, inside and outside. He even sometimes turns up on deployments, presumably having stowed away, unnoticed, in a transport plane. 
He has become something of a good-luck charm for the PMC as a whole, and an unofficial mascot. Remarkably unflappable for a cat, he seems to enjoy attending briefings, reviews, and generally being 'part of the team'. 
He does have some uses, frequently catching mice, rats, and other vermin around the base, as well as scaring away birds and thus avoiding birdstrikes, earning his official title of 'animal control specialist'. 
His name came from the fact he is a rather rotund cat, not unlike the 'Sergeant Fletcher' droptanks and in-flight refuelling pods used by several aircraft.