[h3] Anya [/h3] Anya smiled brightly as Sam complimented the smell of her cooking. It was something she always took pride in, even if she wasn’t able to do it much anymore. She couldn’t get many jobs with her disability, but she could keep people comfortable, and she could be a steady hand for those around her, which she always took as a heavy responsibility. One way, was by feeding them, which she was eager to do for Dean. He would warm up to her, whether he liked it or not. She didn’t even bother slicing the pie, setting it aside and then cutting into the cheeseburger casserole she had made specially for Dean. Getting him a horde of meat in his stomach might make him feel a bit better. Wash it down with beer and he would be in such a food coma, he wouldn’t be able to bitch about anything. She picked up her phone and typed a simple message with a silent giggle, “I fully intend to put him to sleep. Peace will be had.” [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean smirked as Lexi agreed that he could at least keep an eye on Anya, but when she left off on ‘but first’, Dean raised his eyebrows, raising them almost into his hairline as she kissed him and his eyes fell closed. He kissed her back, absentmindedly bringing a hand up to cradle her chin and tilt her face a bit more. Either she had felt the need, or she felt how hard it was for him to keep to himself. Either way, she had kissed him, and if she wasn’t careful, there was no way they were going to make it back to the bunker. As if reading his mind, she pulled away and Dean let his eyes open, his gaze a bit lazy and dazed as he stared down at her eyes. Her suggestion to head back seemed so weird and out of place in his buzzing brain, like a hard reset and he forgot that he was even upset as he cleared his throat, dropped his hand and turned to the steering wheel. “Right. Yeah. Let’s get back. I need a beer.” Dean stammered, starting the car and quickly backing up out of the slim alley they had parked in. As soon as he was on the main road, the tires squealed as he peeled out, wanting to get back home as quick as they could. [h3] A Bit Later [/h3] As Dean pulled into the drive of the bunker, and the power gate opened, letting them in, he turned his head and awkwardly smirked toward Lexi, “You know…now I’m gonna feel like a hypocrite if I say anything to them. I mean, I still have my reasons to be weirded out by Sam…hanging out with women outside of work or whatever.” He paused as he parked and turned the car off, “But I’ll try to play nice. For all we know, they’ve been playing chess all night.”