[b]March 12th, 2014 Shattered Steel Headquarters, '[i]The Forge[/i]' Unnamed island in the Bahamas 10:30 Hours Local Time [/b] He hurried his pace as he felt a drill hammering in his skull. Halfway there done with the buttons. He inhaled as he quickened the pace, one of his hands quickly snatching a cup of smoking Joe from a bewildered staff member, before taking a sip. Well, that hit the spot. "Hey! That was my coffee, Circus!" The fellow staff member hollered in indignation, shaking his head. "I'll compensate you, now I gotta dash!" The cheery tan man with Spanish twang replied, as he kept drinking it at breakneck pace, not skipping a beat. His other hand had finished buttoning the shirt and making himself presentable. "You still owe me from the poker night!" He said. "And I'll pay! Come on man, just trust me! Let me sort this kinda mumbo jumbo and you'll get your moola- ah [i]mierda[/i]." Lázaro stopped in his tracks, as the limits of his multitasking were made evident and he had entered the briefing room... less than adequatedly. In fact, he had entered [i]backwards[/i], doing a little [i]Moonwalker[/i] dance. He eyed his comrades, and then his superior. And then his comrades again. Those female uniforms could be really snug at times. Welp, there was no time to wonder. "Ah, I thought this was for tea and crumpets." He said nonplussed. "Nevermind then. I [i]hate[/i] crumpets." He quickly snapped, as he left the cup aside and saluted with two fingers, a smile on his face. "Right, Briefing? Hello all. Name's Lázaro. But since that kinda slobbers the microphones when pronounced, they call me Circus. Looking forward to work with you all. Specially the new commander. Kind...of."