[@Crusader Lord] I love the concept! There's just a few points I wanted to discuss. 1. It would make more sense that the elvish lady who found the core/homunculus would adapot him, thereby imparting all her titles and wealth to him upon her passing. This would make his nobility and knowledge on how to teleport more feasible. As the duchess of Athera is already claimed, he could have inherited the title of Count. Would that work? 2. I would like him to have done work for King Ludwig II, of an alchemical/arcane nature. It would have been top secret at the time, and would impact the story generously. If you are interested, we can discussion more in PMs. 3. I take it he is more of a resercher? You will need to give me examples of his exact nature of work. Depending on his specialities, thr Wizard Queen will want to speak to him sooner rather than later. I have a plan in place for this character concept to include you, if you roll with it. I think it'll be fairly entertaining. :) [hr] I am working on the time skip post. It has a number of collabs in it so it will be a little bit before it is ready. I will keep you updated!