[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 36/50 Location: Mafia Town Word Count: 518 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance: Level 5: 37/50[/center] [hr] Juri’s ears perked up at the promise of immediate, random acts of violence. They rattled against the roof and cracked the cobblestones of Mafia Town. Juri had been having fun acting as Spider again, but this was sounding like it’d be all out war. [b][color=ec008c]”Well, sounds to me like the circus has come to town.”[/color][/b] Juri said. She had little interest in protecting Mafia Town, unless someone paid her too. But if there was going to be a fight, she wanted to be involved. And on raiders and invaders, she could really let loose and even be rewarded for it, just for free. It was pretty much a win win. Juri sprinted outside, gun slung over her shoulder, an excited grin spreading across her features. [b][color=ec008c]”These idiots are literally raining from the sky! Bwahaha!”[/color][/b] Juri spotted a wrestler chasing after some chump, looking to scoop her up into a suplex. Juri’s boot cracked into his skull while he was distracting, and she thrashed him around until he went flying into a brick wall. He stood up fast. “Th-thank-” The woman began, before Juri turned on her. [b][color=ec008c]”BOO!”[/color][/b] She exclaimed, and the victim shrieked and ran off. Juri giggled and turned her attention back to the wrestler, who was already charging her way. She responded with a heavy kick, planting her front foot and twisting her rear foot forward to slam into him. Then with a cackle, she launched him upward with a wheel kick. [b][color=ec008c]”Come on!”[/color][/b] Juri taunted, slashing her foot upward with a streak of energy, which she followed up by sending it along the ground like a wave. When the wrestler went to step around it, she unleashed a fusillade of bullets towards him. Most bounced off his muscled arms, forcing him against the cracked wall. Juri rushed forward, kneed him in the chest hard enough to lift them both in the air, and then spun kick him through the wall. That was the end of that, and Juri took a few moments to kick him while he was down, before standing on his chest and using him as a vantage point to look around. In all the chaos she saw Chrom and Rosanna raining fire down upon the invaders. Juri scoffed. [b][color=ec008c]”Shouldn’t you two be doing your jobs right about now?”[/color][/b] She looked in the direction of the plate. If the mafia boss had any rivals, now would be a time to try and serve his head up on a silver platter. Didn’t matter much to Juri. She wasn’t getting paid to protect him, she was getting paid on a contract basis to attack his enemies. Besides, the Seekers were nearly done with this place. …Still. She knew the route up. It wouldn’t take much to check up on him. Saving his life could earn her some big bucks, and there would probably be some skulls to crack on the way up, or down. The goodie two-shoes could run around saving people if they wanted too. Juri turned and ran, making her way to the familiar cannons that she used to launch herself up there.