[b]March 12th, 2014 Shattered Steel Headquarters, 'The Forge' Unnamed island in the Bahamas 10:38 Hours Local Time[/b] Fuka didn't prefer to be punctual so much as she didn't know how to be anything but punctual. Any event, appointment, or outing required her presence not just on the dot but before it, a habit that followed her throughout her career. Showing up early let her collect her thoughts and focus on whatever task lay ahead. But sometimes she had no control over her timeliness. Sometimes there was traffic, or an accident, or some new order that superseded her old ones. And sometimes a piece of shit transport pilot stuck his head up his ass and showed up late. She had been in Florida to get her arm recalibrated when the reassignment to the Cobalt Shadows had gone through, and she had been reassured that she would be able to make it to her first briefing on time, provided her diagnostic visit didn't run over. The talk with the prosthetist finished up at 8:30 in the morning; she had her new pain medication in hand by 8:45 and the puddle jumper she was supposed to get on shown up at nine as promised she would have touched down at the Forge around 10. Instead it showed up at 9:30 and now she was late. It was a bad start to her new assignment, but what could she do about it? The Navy had neglected to teach her time manipulation so in situations like these she could only sprint off the plane to find her quarters, dump her bags and then jog off again in search of the briefing room. She slowed her run to a stroll as she hit the final stretch of hallway, walking in to see the gathered crowd. Her new squadron it seemed, with the bossman up front by the monitor and a-Holy hell, how old was that kid? He looked like he was [i]maybe[/i] eighteen! Standards were different in a private venture of course, but recruiting teens right out of high school like a mall recruitment office was a bit much. Any misgivings Fuka had were pushed aside by the presence of sugar, her mechanical hand snatching a donut from the box before she took a seat in front of the briefing display.