One of those pin pricks was blue. Slowly, it grew. Exeter flew through space at ludicrous speeds. Light, like animals, was limited to its own nature; But Lumanaru simply surpassed the natural speed limit of light, just as sapient beings routinely surpassed their own alleged limits. She had been accelerating for only a few moments -- quite literally since the minute the cosmic disturbance was detected. With her arms crossed, she stood on the pommel of her sword, its black blade camouflaged in the galactic background while its white hilt, complete with navy-blue accents, matched her pelvic curtain and the twin curtains over her chest that merged into one collar around her neck whence dark shoulder pads spawned. The sword rose through space -- lack of true "up" and "down" notwithstanding -- a most dangerous one-occupant elevator that felt like standing on a wobbling high-gravity planetoid. She was looking "up" with grim determination. She was to subdue and capture this extradimensional beast. Dead or alive. That was the order. She wasn't so sure that the "dead or alive" part was referencing only the beast she would hunt. There was more than one reason the Star Council sent [i]her[/i] out here, of all people. But no time to think about that. Already, she had crossed the entire galaxy. She entered within a lightminute of the creature and telekinetically slowed and halted. This far, yet this close, Barrusom's image lagged behind where he actually was; She could roughly feel his true location. She matched her speed with the galaxy itself to determine his relative speed. But no time to waste. While making note of his speed, Exeter lifted one foot off her sword, then the other, letting it fly up into her grasp. She had to grab it with a rising hand, pulling upwards, to get it to stop rising; Every movement backwards, slow but steady like her breaths, aided by being practically embedded in the universe where others merely shuffled atop its surface. If she was embedded in it, she thought, then this beast was a fossorial predator. She held her sword in a forward guard directly towards Barrusom, as still as she could make it, though it swayed and rolled in her hands yet. She squeezed with even pressure to further steady it. The moment Barrusom was within such distance that it would take him half a second to reach her, she would yank the sword towards herself -- instantly impelling it, and herself, forwards -- then simply let go to launch it into him, center-mass. Then she would activate her anklets to skate away; The galaxy's rotation curved her technically straight path to her left and out of harm's way. Within a second, she sped up to a thousand miles per hour, just to be sure he couldn't back-tag her.