[b]SAM[/b] Seeing Anya smile brightly at his compliment made him smile all the more. She really was a breath of fresh air in this bunker and he was glad that although Dean had a couple of moments of being a grumpy older brother, she still wanted to stick around and even try and show Dean she wasn't some crazed maniac who needed to be booted out of the bunker as soon as he got back. Looking at the pie she had made, he was honestly so impressed and knew if Dean wasn't impressed? Then Lexi certainly would be as it would mean she wouldn't be the only one who was a very capable cook in this place. Even if it was possibly a temporary thing. He was even impressed by the smell and look of the casserole she mad specially for Dean, knowing that should make him one very happy man and if it didn't then there was no hope for his brother. When she typed out and let him know what she was thinking, he couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping his lips. "If he doesn't fall asleep after all this I think my brother might actually be an alien" he joked back to her. [b]LEXI[/b] The moment Dean had tilted her head a bit to kiss her back more, she knew like he did, it would be dangerous if neither of them pulled away soon. She didn't want to pull back, she wanted to continue feeling his lips upon hers, his hand on her chin. She wanted to reach out, lay her hands on him and not break a part until it was far too late for them to go back. So she knew in that moment she had no choice, she had to pull away and suggest they headed back even though it was a complete turn around in attitude. She bit her bottom lip at the corner as she forced herself to sit back in her seat and let him drive back to the bunker, desperate to behave herself even though this pull he had on her was difficult to ignore. She also couldn't help but keep thinking there were most definitely worse cars to hook up in the back of. ---A BIT LATER--- When they got back to the bunker, Lexi was glad to be back. It also never failed to impress her the way they came in and all the old classic cars that were there but clearly not the Winchester Boys'. She looked at him when Dean turned to her and said how he feels like he'd be a total hypocrite now if he says anything to Sam and Anya. She couldn't help but smirk, feeling like her initial plan in kissing him worked a treat, even if after their lips touched it became a much more selfish reason. "That's all I can ask for. Play nice, be civil and not weird around her. Sam is a nerd, it wouldn't ever surprise me if I saw him suddenly playing chess, but it also wouldn't surprise me if he dived straight into a book to find another lead" she said back to him, cranking the passenger door open and placing one booted foot out of it. She got out of the car and closed the door behind her, not really bothered if she left her duffel in his trunk or not as she just headed straight to the door to staircase that took them into the bunker. Opening it, she leaned in and saw no sign below of Sam at the war room or at a bookcase so she decided to call out instead. "Sam!? We're back!" Sam heard the faint sound of Lexi's voice and pushed himself off the table edge, stepping out of the kitchen, "in the kitchen!" he called back. With that heard, Lexi stood back up straight and looked back at Dean, "they're in the kitchen and there's one hell of an amazing smell in the air. So one or both of them has cooked since we've been out" she told him with her signature smile.