"Sir Fionn, what are you---" Fanilly could not quite help but stare in wordless shock, wide-eyed, at her knight's actions. He had just decided to start playing along with Duke Thedric. Leaning entirely into the parody-like madness being expressed by Brennan's lord. The Duke blinked, and then his wide, bright eyes seemed to take on an entirely different glow. "Ah-hah! You're right! My marching uniform...!" Hurling the baguette to the side, knocking several nearby items to the floor as it landed uncerimoniously, the Duke marched over to his dresser and picked up what appeared to be a spare maid uniform. Without removing the dress he was already wearing, the muscular noble proceede to pull it on, fabric audibly stretching and tearing as he did. "I apologize for my uncouth behavior! Now, to conquer the Kingdom of Pudding! To strike down the tyrannical Rectangles!"