[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ziR5Pse.png[/img] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,876 (+3) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](156/140) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////////////(75/100) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Mafia Town, Deep Blue Seaside [hider=warp locations] [s] Central hub: Smash City Alcamoth Accessible locations: Peach’s castle Limsa Lominscuttle Town Lumbridge Twilight Town Kosm’s Beach [/s] [/hider] [/center] [color=SpringGreen]”What, no way, it's here!”[/color] Jr cried out once the unexpected turn of events ending in the ship they’d just been talking about arrived. It was, however, hard to tell if this was Therion being correct about Ⅰ focusing on filling her clock and this being bad luck, of if she’d come for them specifically. Either way, now was no time for lollygagging, the prince declaring [color=SpringGreen]”We gotta get out there and do something!”[/color] as he hopped out of his chair and prepared to follow the two fighting ladies out into the brawl [color=Aqua]”Wait, hang on”[/color] Rika replied from where she was still sitting, before grabbing a generous handful of Nadia’s abandoned Fried Onion Cuttlefish and shoving them into her mouth. [color=SpringGreen]”Siiiiiiis”[/color] Jr whined, receiving a full mouthed [color=Aqua]”What?”[/color] from RIka, who then pointed out she was going to be here for a bit putting her [color=Aqua]”Guantlets n rigging on”[/color] Indeed, without the gauntlets in particular, she was a lame duck on land, but she hadn’t exactly expected to fight, and they sorta got in the way of eating. Hence, being ambushed as they were, she was, if not exactly defenseless, then certainly a liability in a fight. Probably. This had never really happened before after all, and Rika was rather annoyed by the interruption it had to be said. [color=SpringGreen]”Fine jeeze let me help you then”[/color] the prince replied, leaning his paintbrush against the table and setting about strapping his sister back into her wargear. At least, he thought, with the others charging out to help out like the heroes/battle seekers they were, and the cannon going silent, they were no risk of being attacked. He thought wrong. Instead, descending from the sky came a sausage like person in suspenders and dress trousers using a tie as a belt, his fall slowed to a smooth and luxurious ride by his [url=https://i.imgur.com/W1IoQKL.jpeg]golden parachute[/url]. This person touched down behind where the other seekers had run off to, snapped his suspenders as he watched them take apart some of the other contestants. Then he spun back the way they’d come, namely to the now, seemingly, defenseless restaurant they’d just stormed out of with a deranged look on his face. “You know what they say, work smarter not harder!” he chirped with the candor of a corporate spokesperson, before strutting in through the doors into the sushi restaurant and asking “now who here’s ready for a once in a lifetime offer; guaranteed to end your life, and enrich mine!” There were quite a few people inside who had either taken cover or been gawking out of windows, only for all eyes to turn in horror to the horror that was the one, the only: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE7JoaAOXws]Business Casual Man![/url] Despite the seekers having mostly vacated however, there were still heroes to be found within. No, not the junior troop members. Instead a pair of [url=https://i.imgur.com/wrdWV4p.jpeg]ninja youths[/url] who were part of Bancho Sushi’s serving staff, glanced at each other, nodded, and engaged the interloper, drawing massive chopsticks instead of swords from their scabbards. “Ah, my first sale of the day, and a two for one bargain at that! At this rate I’ll be able to clock out early!” Business Casual Man declared before the girl slashed his chopstick at him. In response, Business Casual Man sat down onto an office chair that appeared out of nowhere, and then spun around the girl while still sitting on it to avoid the boy’s dual wielded sticks. He got back up, now right between the two, and punched out to both sides with his arms, hands still holding his suspenders like they had been this entire time. As his hands struck, two qr codes generated. These did three things. They acted like hit stunning repeating explosions that stuck the kids in place as it multi hit them, it generated two 50$ notes out of thin air that slipped their way into Business Casual Man’s pockets, and it also sent the phones of two people recording this off to a pair of [url=http://www.remar.se/bcman/businesscasualday.html]strange[/url] [url=http://www.remar.se/bcman/fakeworkpage.html]websites[/url]. Then the blasts ended and the pair of heroes were knocked back, bumping into tables. Before they could recover, Business Casual Man strode after the boy, grabbed him, burped dollar bills in his face, and then summoned a water cooler from nowhere, which he proceeded to lean on and slam down on top of the boy, smashing him to the ground. The girl came in to protect her co-worker and smacked Business Casual Man over the head with her mega chopstick, only for him to contort his torso around 180 degrees to fix her with his toothy smile. “Don’t worry, you're next in line!” he declared, before lunge at her, mouth opening impossibly wide to snatch her up with it, before hurling her upwards. Then he extended his torso up in a piston like motion to slam her into the ceiling. A burst of 1 and 5$ bills accompanied the beat downs, further filling Business Casual Man’s pockets with cash. At this point the customer base of Bansho Sushi was stampeding to get out through the back, despite the other staff members holaring for them to clear the way. All except Jr and Rika, who had foolishly slowed the gearing up of the former to watch, and were now doing double time to make up for the distraction. Of course, those two, and especially Jr, were never alone. [color=SpringGreen]”Koopa troop! Attack!”[/color] the prince commanded, prompting his three pokemon to enter the fray. Close to the ceiling swooped the Flutter Mane Peeka, across the tables hopped the Mimikyu Mimi, and under them seal flopped the Brionne Dazzle, all ready to fight for their trainer’s protection. “Step right up, marketable plushies, because there’s a fortune to be made!” Business Casual Man declared, stepping over the groaning staff members, telling them that “I’ll cash you out later” before squaring off with the pokemon. Well, sort of. Most of them were projectile spammers rather than honorable brawlers. Peeka shot out a plasma fusion bolt from her necklace of eyes, only for the man to duck under it, torso contracting till just his head stuck out of his trousers, the shot splitting in two above him as he waddled forwards in this bizarre fashion a few steps before he stood back up again. Mimi and Dazzle also tried to blast him, but he dodged around the electro ball, and raised a translucent kite shield shaped barrier to block a water gun bullet from Dazzle while saying “Just because it's casual Mondays, doesn’t mean I don’t care about keeping it clean” Then he was upon them, turning over tables and smashing them apart as he chased after the poor mon, chair dodging around Mimi’s sneaking shadow attempts at swiping at him as he gained on a belly flopping Dazzle, only for Peeka to swoop down and deliver a dazzle he didn’t want: her eye necklace glowing and then bursting with light, which was not something he could block or dodge. “Ah! My business’ Insurance doesn't cover opticians!” he cried out, stumbling back, prompting Dazzle (the pokemon) to pivot and then corkscrew leap into Business Casual Man’s chest, a wave of water washing fourth over him and briefly stunning him, allowing Mimi to finish the combo with an electro ball that slammed the wet man through a nearby table, the man landing in a shower of splinters and dollar bills. Despite this hit, Business Casual Man picked himself right back up, and seemed more upset by the hit to his finances than to his person, going “ah! my pension fund!” as he snatched the cash out of the air to re-stuff in his pockets. He wasn’t going to live long enough to retire and use it. [color=SpringGreen]”and done”[/color] Jr declared as he finished squiring for Rika: her gauntlets and rigging where all strapped on, her tiara sporting helmet was donned and her (admittedly just cosmetic) gold trimmed black armor encasing her in steel. The princess was ready for war. Rather than charge in like a knight (and she did have the gear for that) she instead simply raised a palm, the rotary barrel within whirring up before she upon fire on Business Casual Man with a hail of machine-gun bullets. Business Casual Man dodged to the side, only for Rika to summon a twin cannon tipped spear into her other hand which roared like a double barreled shotgun as she, well, used it as one, having found shotgun shells much easier to source than cannon shells. Around her hips, her two double barreled turrets had no such logistical issues, blasting renewably sourced globdules of dark magic at her foe. Business Casual Man chair spun and shielded as he tried to close in on them, and if it were just Rika, maybe he would have made it. However, all of Jr’s pokemon promptly joined in with the shooting, as did jr with hucked fire balls, as did, of all people, Dave the diver. The man had finally sumo’d his way past the fleeing gusts, and emerged from the back of the restaurant with a massive multi barreled [url=https://i.imgur.com/lI3BxXv.png]cannon[/url] in his arms, which he promptly supported on a counter and then unleashed, firing a rapid fire hail of high caliber armor piercing rounds at their intruder. Business Casual Man was, in the end, just a very weird man, and he could only survive this onslaught for so long, getting clipped and then simply riddled with bullets. His last words, as he fell to his knees and started to dissolve being “Guess I’m… going bust” There was a panting filled pause as the cacophony came to an end, before it was broken by an appalled cry of “He’s not the only one! Look at this place!” from Cobra, Bancho Sushi’s owner/investor, because the restaurant was looking a lot worse for wear after being defended, what with the broken furniture, bullet holes, scorch marks, and at least one fire. [color=SpringGreen]”uhhhh, gotta go!”[/color] jr shouted, running for the exit, only pausing to throw some healing the way of the two serving kids who had miraculously survived the whole ordeal mostly by virtue of having been laying face first on the floor during the latter shooting gallery. Rika for her part stopped only to grab the strange man’s spirit, stuffing it in a pocket for later. The troop kids excited pretty late into the actual meat and potatoes of the brawl, and by that point everyone was likely on their way to wherever, but if they weren't well, the now kitted out Rika had an idea of what they should do next: [color=Aqua]”We should sink the ship!”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”Wait, what, why? What about the town?”[/color] Jr asked gesturing vaguely at the chaos ongoing in it Rika was entirely indifferent to that situation, but then her her reason going after the ship wasn’t the most inspired either [color=Aqua]”Consul Ⅰ won’t like it, and I think I’d like that”[/color] With that said, she retrieved and tossed out her golden spinner, releasing her white whale that would make for adequate transport for anyone coming with them. She and Jr however would have no need for it, as they’d be able to sail right out there under ship girl power.