[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] There were a few things that Fleuri took note of as he observed this spectacle. First, as Sir Aglan noted, the Duke's state was a parody of madness. For all his eccentric ramblings, he was at least speaking in full sentences, didn't appear to have hurt himself or anyone around him, and judging by his response to Fionn's indulgence of his delusions, could understand and respond to what was spoken to him. It definitely wasn't anything like the murderous insanity that had afflicted the soldiers at the fort. There was also the very important detail that mages and clergy hadn't been able to find anything wrong with him. Was it possible that for whatever reason, he was entirely lucid, that he might be acting this way for a reason? [color=A0A0A0]"Gertrude,"[/color] Fleuri spoke up. [color=A0A0A0]"You have knowledge of magic that neither the clerics nor mages that attended to him would have access to. Can you discern any manner of magic that might be afflicting him?"[/color] If neither mages, nor clerics, nor a witch could find anything wrong with the Duke, it might be worth considering the possibility that the Duke is putting on an act. If so, surely such a man would not do such a thing without a very good reason. [@Octo]