[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] [hr] ... But why? This doesn't make any sense. It's no worse then clashes I've seen and participated in back in Gensokyo, in the human village. No bystanders were going to be hurt. I understand this is another world. I'm not stupid, and it's not like it's some sort of overly-complicated explanation for our current situation. It's something as straightforward as just another world existing. Why is it a problem if we dueled here, as long as no-one else was caught up in it? That match had only approached the more intense bouts in Gensokyo towards the end. ---Unfortunately, with the damage to my phantom half, I'm not sure it could have escalated into the sort of duel I'd wanted to show someone as legendary as Miyamoto Musashi, but I was still going to give it my all. But now, she's run away, and the town's guards are trying to take away my swords and take me with them. Roukanken and Hakurouken are family heirlooms. I have absolutely no intention of handing them over. How shameful would it be for a Konpaku to do such a thing? I wouldn't be able to look Yuyuko-sama in the eye, no matter what she said, if I let myself be disarmed so easily. "I won't hand over my swords." I fix my eyes firmly on the one who appears to be their leader, at least judging by how he's done most of the talking. "If you want to take them from me, you'll have to do it yourselves. I already offered to fix the cobblestones." That was the only damage our duel caused. I'm a gardener on top of my other duties, so it's precisely the sort of thing I can manage even if it's not exactly the same as laying out a stone path. If that's not enough for them, then there's nothing more I'm going to offer. Not after they insisted on trying to take Roukanken and Hakurouken. "Since that's not enough for you, I'm leaving." I leave the ground, the air whipping past me as I ascend to the top of a nearby building. There's not much reason to deal with them any longer. If they tried to take my swords by force, I'd have to slash them all, and despite what I said to them I'm not particularly interested in even non-lethally harming this town's guards. Still, I don't get what made them so angry in the first place. I take another step and gently step off the rooftop on the other side of the building, descending to the street below. I'll just leave them behind. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Raineh Daze]