[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] So it all came down to [i]quid pro quo[/i] in the end? That wasn't exactly unexpected, but... Anne let out a quiet sigh, rubbing at her temple in frustration. She had important objectives here, couldn't they see that? The last thing she needed was to get caught up serving some second-rate royal's machinations, especially if it might bring her into conflict with other political factions in the capital. On the other hand... Her whole group was low on money, without stable accommodations, and completely unknown to the people here. Getting paid, forging connections, and building up trust and support might well be exactly the first steps they needed to accomplish their greater goals. Surely the rest of her companions knew this as well, and would be working hard to make good first impressions. She couldn't imagine how much trouble it'd be if they ended up branded as criminal elements or something like that... Actually, she was getting a bad feeling now, so maybe she shouldn't think about it too much. "It's a fair offer, though if we're being legitimately hired then I'd prefer an agreement in writing." She turned briefly to the Berserker. "You're okay with it too, Fran?" It was one thing to accept the Princess's tasks, but Anne would likely need some extra muscle when it came to seeing them through. "Also," she went on, turning her attention back to the others once Fran had given her answer, "before we go anywhere or get sent off on any errands, I have something else you might be interested in, Serena." From her black coat, she pulled out the small box she'd been given back in the cave outside Aventon. "You're an expert in magic, right? I got these off one of the Raven Herald commanders, but I haven't been able to identify their functions up until now." The container popped open, the emblem, jewel, and vial still nestled safely within. Anne wasn't sure if they had any true value, but the Princess seemed better-equipped than anyone she'd met to give her some clear answers on the matter. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@VitaVitaAR][@Rezod92]