[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]Mafia Town[/center] [center] Lvl 14 Geralt (22/140) -> Lvl 14 (24/140) (+2 pending)[/center] [center]Word count: 915 words[/center] Geralt didn’t participate much in the ensuing conversations, using his snagged pons to pay for a meal of Black & White Snapper sushi. The news about Consuls [b]𝙸[/b] and V was welcome, even if it was somewhat minimal. The news about Limsa, on the other hand…made Geralt sigh. “Damn. Knowing what we know now, it was inevitable, but…damn. He sighed, shaking his head. “Consuls. Keep making things worse here.” Between the constant attacks, and the loss of their military leader, Limsa might not last much longer. Unfortunately, the Seekers had bigger fish to fry in the Consuls and Guardians. Juri’s idea of fighting them was bold, but rash. Geralt didn’t pipe in and say as much, digging ravenously into his sushi instead, but the others didn’t hop on board, so he figured they’d most likely go after the potential Guardian next. As he was musing on this, [b]𝙸[/b]’s ship appeared on the horizon, resulting in the customers of Bancho Sushi congregating on the balcony railing to see what was going on. When Nadia blurted out that she saw a Flame Clock, Geralt sighed before speeding his eating. He wasn’t missing dinner, Consul or no. He’d just finished his sushi as the announcer finished his spiel, and he stood with a frown on his face. “That was actually good. I’d have liked to [i]enjoy it.[/i]” Now thoroughly annoyed by the incursion, Geralt left the restaurant just behind the others, leaving Junior and Rika inside as the Koopa armed his Abyssal sister. As the other Seekers darted off, he stepped out of Bancho Sushi. Geralt drew his sword with a dismissive sneer, walking towards a group of fighters that had just landed and were looking for a fight. “Come get it, whoresons.” He snarled as he drew the Sign of Quen, the protective shield shimmering to life around him. Three on one was hardly a fair fight, but Geralt didn’t care to make it fair for the invading enemies. He sidestepped the first punch, bringing his sword up and across the man’s chest, spinning to launch him away with a kick as he pivoted his stabilizing foot to turn towards the woman charging at him in a Bull Rush, turning her momentum against her by crashing the pommel of his sword into her face, knocking her legs out from under her. As she was sent sprawling, Geralt turned towards the third, larger man who seemed to have much more patience. The bulky fighter stalked forward, muscles bulging and glistening with sweat, a vicious sneer on his face. Before he got too close, he let out a bellowing roar, which gave himself and his allies health regen. Then he ran forward, spinning around to dodge Geralt’s sword with surprising speed, before launching into an Omega Uppercut that knocked Geralt on his back, Quen broken in a single hit. Groaning, the Witcher pushed himself back to his feet as the three fighters, now healing from the roar, advanced. Changing tactics, he transformed into his Ardor Blossom Identity, tossing a pair of fireballs at the advancing wrestlers. The big guy took the hit without complaint, while the woman ducked beneath it and ran at him. Geralt backpedalled, throwing more blasts of fire to build up energy. When the first male fighter got close, Geralt lashed out with his claws, blocking a high kick with his forearm as he raked the man’s face. He groaned, backing up to give his female partner room to Bull Rush Geralt, but all three enemies found themselves tripped up by Ground Shaker, the energy explosions finishing off the first man. Charging up a group of fireballs, Geralt launched them at the two remaining enemies, setting both ablaze. His follow-up fireballs caused a chaining burst of flame that finished off the woman, but the larger man seemed only lightly perturbed. He bellowed again, re-upping his health regen, before charging at Geralt. This time, Geralt returned to his natural Identity, sidestepping and counter-attacking with Aard to shake the fighter’s balance, before unleashing a rapid series of sword slashes to draw blood. Even bloody and battered, though, this fighter was unrelenting, and he launched another omega Uppercut that caught Geralt on the way back, though it was only a glancing blow. “Getting tired of you.” He sighed, putting his sword away and summoning Tartaglia’s Hydro Blades. His slashes came even faster, and the onslaught proved too much to handle for the muscular invader, who fell silently, a defiant glare on his face. Geralt grabbed the Spirits from the three, stashing them in one of his pouches at about the same time Junior and Rika left Bancho Sushi. He heard Rika say they should go after the Consul’s ship, and despite his misgivings earlier, Geralt decided he’d have to go along. If not to inconvenience the Consuls, at least to make sure Bowser didn’t come back to an empty nest. “I’ll go with you.” He told the pair, making a running leap onto Rika’s White Whale, and stopping to heal himself with First Aid in the process. “If you need a quick heal as well, I’ll take care of that, but it’s less useful in combat. Takes a second or two to use, which is fine if you can take the attention off me, but that isn’t always possible. I also have a few more powerful offensive spells, but one takes even longer.” Best to make sure they knew exactly what he could do [i]before[/i] they started the fight.