[b]SAM[/b] Sam couldn't help but feel quite amused by the way it seemed even Lexi was siding with him and Anya, if the wink to Anya had anything to go by. Seeing the way Anya smiled and giggled at Lexi told him that the two girls would get along fine and if anyone could convince Dean Anya was a good person, it would be Lexi. She always did have a good sense about people from the odd job he worked with her after pulling her out of her house. Once sat at the table, he gave his brother a side glance as he witnessed Dean move his chair to sit next to Lexi. The action he hadn't seen in a long time and it honestly amused him to the point he couldn't hide the smirk from quickly appearing on his lips then forcing it go away. The smirk only reappeared though when he noticed Lexi nudging Dean in the ribs to say thank you to Anya. It seemed that the longer the two of them were around each other, the more Lexi was able to whip Dean back into place again. He began to eat himself, listening to the chit chat go around the table and he almost choked on his mouthful when Anya managed to be quick with her whip back at Dean about his question. He looked at his brother and caught the smirk, giving him a discreet nod. He may not have known that Dean was thinking how quickly Sam would take it upon himself to learn ASL, but that was something that went through Sam's mind. He knew a couple of real basic signs thanks to various media or what he had picked up from people watching, but if Anya was to be around for a while, he didn't think it would hurt to seriously learn more. [b]LEXI[/b] Her nudge making Dean actually be civil and polite made Lexi feel rather proud of herself. she didn't doubt that he would eventually say thank you to Anya, but the sooner he said it, the more light the air would be around them all at the dinner table. She didn't want to come across as bossing him about, but she did want him to lighten up a bit and make some effort like he promised her he would. Seeing his face as he ate the food made her smile. Good food really was the key to his trust and heart it seemed. She smiled as they began to chat, even if Dean's question was rather forward. She was ready to give him 'seriously?' look when Anya was completely on top of it and ahead of them all. Her comeback made Lexi laugh, having to cover her mouth as she did so. The quick wit of the girl was so amazing to witness. Finally, another woman who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and be herself around new people. She really was going to like Anya if this was her authentic self. "She got you there Dean" she chuckled between mouthfuls of food. It was so nice to be having this interaction with people again, barely remembering the last time she could just have a laugh with people around a table with a good hearty meal. She could have almost fooled herself into thinking they weren't three hunters trying to help this woman out if she let herself believe it long enough.