[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] Hurrying along to keep up with the gait of the two taller women, Rayne didn’t really have a lot of time to, well, check out the local nightlife as it were. She also didn’t dain to comment on whether she’d been to a place like this or not when teased about it, but she didn’t get embarrassed by the prodding either. She wasn’t exactly a chaste maiden or some sort of prude. However, if her world’s last settlement had had anyone practicing the world's oldest profession, she certainly wouldn't have been aware of it. She hadn’t exactly been left wanting. Aaaaand now she missed Akai again, and for much less wholesome reasons than the usual bouts of longing and homesickness. She tilted her hat down to hide the mix of sorrow and… other feelings crossing her face, and tried to put those memories out of her mind and focus on the here and now. She then made a sound of agreement in response to Sana’s insistence they stick to the task at hand, even if it was for different reasons. That said, she wasn’t really an expert in dealing with curses. Or even an amature. Which meant she was worrying about how she’d actually be able to help right up until Sanae drew her weapon as they stood before the abandoned structure. “Mmm, better to be safe than sorry when going to an abandoned spooky building” She agreed, as she floated a foot into the air, flicking her left hand as she did so. Before it, the arrow-like glyph she used to fire her magic bullets formed, while in it three shimmering cards where drawn from her spell deck. “Garbage collector, Cloud of darkness, Lightning” she said, informing Sana of her hand, the content of her spell deck having come up during one of the long empty days of traveling “probably don’t want to use the last one while we are indoors, but if there's lots of, I dunno, nasty creepy bugs or something first two will work out just fine” That said, her magical might wasn’t going to help if the curse turned out to be black mold or something more mundane, and so, just in case, she also improvised a face mask out of a small towel “in case there’s stuff we don’t want to breath in in there”