[h3] Anya and Dean [/h3] Anya smirked as Lexi stated that her comeback to Dean was a deep cut, but judging from Dean’s face, he seemed more impressed by her, than he was offended. Dean turned his eyes back to his food, shoving more of it in his mouth as he thought about his next words. “So, we came up empty on the Colt, but I have to ask, what exactly do you think becoming a hunter is going to solve for you? Not getting heavy, just asking.” Dean asked, now that Anya could speak to him a little easier using her phone, instead of paper or her hands. Anya didn’t seemed as bothered by the question as Dean expected, and he took another bite as she typed on her phone. “My dad was killed and it seems like every time I get close to someone, they end up dead. I am always the one who survives. If I have that much good luck, I figured I might as well help people with it.” “And you think that hunting is about luck? What about your voice? You can’t even scream for help if you’re on your own, or get separated from whoever you’re with. How would you work through that?” Dean asked, his voice genuinely concerned, as if he was considering her request, but wanted to make sure she knew what she was getting herself into. Anya nodded, thought for a moment, before glancing up at Sam. She then typed on her phone and raised her eyebrows at Dean as if to ask if her answer was sufficient, “I could always wear a whistle around my neck. Airhorn maybe?” “A whistle. Well that would be a new one…” Dean chuckled, glancing up at his brother for a moment, before back at Anya. “Alright. Since you’re obviously not going to kill my brother and take over the bunker, I’ll make a deal with you.” Anya raised her eyebrows and listened a little more intently, as Dean finished off the main course of his food and scooted his slice of pie over to the middle of his plate, before pointing his fork at her. “If we find the colt, I’m not willing to give it over to a demon…not for anything. But I would be willing to make sure you have what you need to use it on the son of a bitch, yourself. Full backup from the three of us. But you’re gonna have to hit the books, the range…all of it. And we’ve gotta fatten you up a bit. Those tiny arms are not gonna get you far with demons.” Dean explained, and Anya nodded, suddenly excited and her demeanor not aggressive at all. It tugged at something in Dean’s heart. He turned back to his food, breaking his gaze from her face to take a bit, before mumbling, “And you’re gonna have to find a tattoo shop and…protect yourself. Sam can take you.”