[h2]Red Light District[/h2] [hr] "You're right, of course, forgive me," Qing'e replied, inclining her head apologetically, "I'm simply used to poking at interesting things, and the both of you do seem rather interesting." The hooded woman's gaze returned to the building. Indeed, like most of the higher-class buildings in the district, it seemed quite extravagant, with bright reds and blues adorning it and a rather flashy sign advertising it to be 'The Wandering Cat'. It couldn't have been abandoned for very long, and yet the building seemed almost totally silent. Somehow, though, it didn't seem empty. Certainly there was no-one visible entering or exiting it, nor any sounds of life. But there was something there. Something that, to Sanae in particular, would feel like an extraordinarily heavy presence. A pitch-black miasma that could almost be felt tangibly by the arahitogami, almost smelled. Like something burning. Whatever was lurking in the abandoned brothel was something that could nearly be felt even by those with no spiritual sense at all. "I knew you would feel it," Qing'e commented, glancing towards Sanae, and then Rayne as well, "And you might be able to pick up on it soon as well." Her gaze drifted towards the building's entrance as she approached it. "Whatever's lurking here is the root of the curse that's been draining away the life of the people who came here. Quite simply, if this goes any further, it may not just be [i]this district[/i] in danger. The people who work here don't deserve this suffering, but it might not end with them." Slowly, she opened the door. Within was some form of lobby, having been abandoned in a considerable rush. The candles and lamps lighting the building had long since gone out, but Qing'e had a way to rectify the lack of visibility. Raising her right hand, the hooded woman conjured what appeared to be a spherical blue light, and beckoned the others to follow her. "The sooner we find the source of the curse, the sooner it can be cleansed." As the trio entered, it was possible that Sanae or Rayne might glimpse something strange, ahead, in a hall leading deeper into the building. The fluttering wings of a golden butterfly. Then another. And another--- [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@DracoLunaris]