[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230204/4845b153b0aa5194f883010594dee61c.png[/img][/center][hr] The White mage rejoining them was an unexpected, but pleasant surprise. They'd not traveled together long, but fighting together had a rather uncanny ability to bond comrades together. Her absence had been sorely noted, not just in the fact that they lacked a dedicated healer, but also in the sense that it had happened so quickly. The Grovemasters had called her back, but of her own accord, Neve had found a way to rejoin them, and none too soon, though perhaps there was some irony in the fact that they were heading [i]back[/i] towards Drana Asnaeu. Her welcome was filled with tears and happiness, Galahad had half expected there to be some animosity in the fact that she'd missed out on some of their conflicts, but at the very least he'd heard none spoken aloud– at least within his earshot. Some time later, after everyone else had managed to make their introductions and welcome-backs’, Galahad managed to pull her aside to a quieter part of the deck, by the aft of the ship. [color=lightblue]”I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times by now-”[/color] Galahad chuckled, for what felt like the first time in ages. For a moment, it looked like the Dragoon was about to spring forward, but instead Galahad put a hand on her shoulder and gave it a familiar, friendly squeeze. [color=lightblue]”It's good to have you back.”[/color] Out of everyone that Neve wished to see again, Galahad had been the face that she wished to come across the most. Although their time together was as fleeting as a blue, summer wind, she couldn’t help but feel that a bond had steadily mounted between them. It was amusing, to say the least– he was a dragoon, an Edreni soldier who had spilled blood, while she was a woman whose whole existence was based around the concept of peace, tranquility, and admiration for the planet they lived on. She didn’t know whether it was because of his easy-going nature or his sense of humor, but Neve found it easy to get along with the man, and she was more than delighted to see him approach after a long day aboard the ship. [color=659EC7][b]”I am more than happy–”[/b][/color] the blonde began with a smile, only to flinch in surprise once he reached out towards her. She felt his heavy hand squeeze her shoulder gently, and Neve once again found a warm smile return to her lips. [color=659EC7][b]”I’m happy to be back, Galahad. Believe it or not, I’ve missed spending time in your company, along with Izayoi’s.”[/b][/color] She reached up towards his hand, laying a cold palm upon the back of his hand. A sadness shadowed her bright gaze as she averted her gaze towards the dull horizon. [color=659EC7][b]”I’m sorry I had to leave. I should have stuck with the Kirins. You needed all of the help that you could get, and I…”[/b][/color] Neve murmured, her voice drifting off in the wind. Her fingers squeezed his hand tightly, hoping that she could convey what she wished to speak. The hard stone in her throat had prevented any other word from leaving her lips. [color=lightblue]”Your talents would've been a great boon to us in our recent trials– your missing was definitely noticed”[/color] Galahad said softly, the soft breeze guiding his eyes towards the horizon as well, [color=lightblue]”But you're here now, and that's what matters.”[/color] He reassured her, the smile on his lips almost hidden by the whipping of his hair in the breeze. [color=lightblue]”I don't imagine the Grovemasters were exactly easy to defy. I suppose I'd know a thing or two about that- my own family situation and all.”[/color] [color=lightblue]”I only regret that we're taking you [I]back[/i] to Drana Asnaeu.“[/color] He said with a light sigh, [color=lightblue]”After you worked so hard to get away.”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Not to worry though,”[/color] Galahad chuckled, resting his hands on the guide rail as he leaned out over the passing waves beneath them. [color=lightblue]”We've only just reunited– I'll not let the Grovemasters take you away from us again so easily.”[/color] What Galahad said was a massive understatement. There was no denying the Grovemasters. They had the final say in whatever she said, whatever she believed, whatever she wanted to do. If she had asked for leave from Brightlam, they would do little else but shame her and lock her away to focus on honing her magicks. Yes, she was a white mage– but in their eyes, she was little else but an apprentice who had much more to learn. Why spend it traveling the world and aiding a motley crew of soldiers and rogues, even if their Mother had abandoned them because they were so sinful and cruel. Her smile strained slightly at his last statement. [color=659EC7][b]”Unfortunately, what you say is easier said than done.”[/b][/color] Neve said, laughing lightly despite her troubled words. [color=659EC7][b]”The Grovemasters are delightful people, really, but… they are as stubborn as you can imagine. They will be less than amused to see that I escaped their watch, and if they wish, they will certainly isolate me from everyone else. Unless,”[/b][/color] she laughed again, more jovially this time, [color=659EC7][b]“the Kirins decide to ruffle their feathers a bit.”[/b][/color] [color=lightblue]”Maybe we lose the white cloak– at least while we're in Drana Asnaeu. I think Edreni blue would suit you.”[/color] Galahad joked. [color=lightblue]”If we're good at [I]anything[/i], I think it's ruffling feathers.”[/color] Galahad laughed, [color=lightblue]”I bet they'd back off if we sicced Izayoi on them. Or Eliane. Maybe not Eve. I have no doubt they'll try to isolate you, and they'll fail all the same.”[/color] It was a grim thought, the idea of using force– or at least the threat of force on the Grovemasters. Galahad didn't necessarily think of them as bad folk, by nature they seemed to be a peaceful lot, though perhaps to peaceful for these not so peaceful times. Perhaps it was arrogance on his part, but the Kirins, as far as Galahad was concerned, had a higher calling at the moment. Surely bringing balance back to the continent was worth breaking a few rules and ruffling a few feathers while they were at it. [color=lightblue]”If I may be so selfish to say, I think we need you more than they do.”[/color] Galahad said, a bit more seriously now, [color=lightblue]”If we're lucky, they'll understand us. If not… Well, it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.”[/color] Galahad’s sincerity had caught Neve off guard. She had forgotten how direct he could be, even though she had not spent much time away from their group– or maybe it was the way he spoke about the Grovemasters that had shaken her. It wasn’t as if she disagreed; knowing the Kirins, there would be little else she could see happening other than Izayoi or someone else confronting them. Yet, in the midst of the storm of uncertainty and worry that clouded her thoughts, she couldn’t help but feel… happy? Happy that the Kirins had her back, despite the chance of them making more enemies. Her smile became more lax, more warm. [color=659EC7][b]”It makes sense,”[/b][/color] Neve said, her grin only growing further. [color=659EC7][b]”The Grovemasters have always preached about the power of forgiveness. I’m sure they’ll understand if we trespass on some of their boundaries. Especially if you speak to them, Sir Caradoc.”[/b][/color] [color=lightblue]”Oh, of course. I'll have you know, I have an [I]excellent[/i] track record with figures of authority at the moment.”[/color] Galahad chuckled sarcastically. His chuckle slowly faded as he turned. He offered Neve a faint grin as he reached out, his hand lightly patting the top of her head. [color=lightblue]”But we can worry about that when we get there. And- just Galahad is fine.”[/color] Galahad pulled the shorter woman into a more or less amounted to a bear hug, the stress and anxiety of the past few weeks shedding off of his frame in moments. [color=lightblue]”You've been sorely missed, dear friend.”[/color] Galahad said softly, as he placed the white mage back down on the ground. The knight reached out to pat the top of Neve’s head. She giggled softly, allowing him the gesture; it reminded her of her father, who used to stroke her hair when she was little and bombarded him with silly questions. His motion soothed her, but just as she was about to pull away and ask him something simple like if he had eaten yet or had he gotten enough sleep recently, he pulled her straight back in– literally. The white mage blinked in momentary alarm once his arms wrapped around her in a tight hug, falling limp within his embrace. It was… warm. Neve wasn’t sure what to do at first. She blinked a few times, then found her body acting on its own whim. Her arms wrapped around him, though definitely not as tight as his. [color=659EC7][b]”I promise,”[/b][/color] she murmured, pulling away from him at last. Her eyes scanned his as she nodded, as if she affirmed her own words. [color=659EC7][b]”I won’t leave your side again. Not until we can all rest easy and not have to worry about the Blight ever again. I promise.”[/b][/color] [color=lightblue]”I'll hold you to that.”[/color] Galahad replied quietly, [color=lightblue]”Er- by which I mean, we- like as the party, will hold you to that.”[/color] Galahad quickly corrected himself, the tips of his ears already starting to burn red like cherries, as he recused himself with a cough and a half step back before gesturing for the two to head back in. [color=lightblue]”Oh, since you're back. I was hoping you could take a look at something.” “ … So long story short, I jumped headfirst through some floorboards and… “[/color]