[h2][center][color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Meridi-At-Han[/center] [center]Lvl 8 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] - (5/80) -> Lvl 8 (6/80) (+1 Pending) [/center] [center]Word count: 692 words [/center] Rayna and Avmar’s arrival was timed just as Zenkichi’s revolvers clicked dry, and he decided to try out a new weapon: Konoe’s Hero’s Sword. The beam sword was heavier than it looked, though not as heavy as his usual weaponry. He pushed forward, calling out to the pair he vaguely recognized: [color=BFBFBF]”Focus the legs! If you get it down to the ground, I can finish it off!”[/color] He vaguely recognized the monster rider from around the city, though they’d never gotten the chance to sit down and talk while she was hanging out with Primrose. Maybe after this, they’d all grab a much-needed drink! As the crocodilian monster continued her rampage, Zenkichi, Rayna, and Avmar dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and dodged their way away from punches, kicks, and tail swipes. Zenkichi found himself bearing the brunt of the damage, as Rayna and her Velocidrome were much faster, but that was alright. Finally, after the 180 seconds (minus a bit due to a few buffs) passed, Zenkichi felt more than saw Sandalphon’s halo appear above his head as he received Sigil Released, shedding a faint light. He whooped with excitement, jumping forward and slashing at Lizzie with newfound confidence. As he slashed at her leg, he used Tyrael’s Smite ability, summoning a pillar of fire on her left leg, that also left behind a small energy field that Rayna and Avmar took no time taking advantage off, getting a quick speed boost that let them dash around and land a vicious jumping bite attack on Lizzie’s calf, forcing the monster down as blood oozed out of the wound. Meanwhile, Zenkichi let himself get hit by Lizzie’s tail, grabbing hold of the appendage even as he was dragged along the ground. He pulled himself onto her tail and grunted, running up it as Lizzie stopped to balance herself and stabbing the Hero Sword into her tail, dragging it up with him. The crocodilian shrieked angrily, shaking back and forth to try and dislodge him, but Zenkichi wrapped his legs around her tail like he was a cowboy trying to stay on a bucking stallion. While she bucked and struggled to get him off, Zenkichi stabbed the Hero Sword into her flesh as a handhold, putting his all into staying on as the superheated blade carved deeper and deeper into reptilian flesh. Kayna and Avmar did not let this opportunity go to waste, as Lizzie’s wild, desperate thrashing made sure they were far from her highest priority. The pair charged forward to attack, with Rayna leaping off her Velocidrome to slash at Lizzie’s face with her sword, carving a line in her face and drawing even more blood. The crocodile monster roared again in pain, while Avmar slashed at her legs, jumping up to grab hold of her exposed belly with his jaws, ripping and tearing at scales while Sun Guards and assorted monster hunters piled on their own attacks, now confident they wouldn’t meet the same fate some of the more fragile defenders had before now. Another brutal bite to her leg caused Lizzie to falter, stumbling and crashing into the ground. The defenders cheered and rushed forward, Rattler bolts and blasts of energy flying into the massive creature. Zenkichi pulled himself to his feet and dismissed the Hero Sword, resummoning the massive Greatsword that he had begun the battle with. Hefting the blade high, he let out a mighty yell as he crashed it down into Lizzie’s head, monstrous size proving the key to inordinate exsanguination. With a torrent of blood, Lizzie’s destruction came to an end, and Zenkichi let out a sigh. [color=BFBFBF]”Well, that’s disgusting.”[/color] Nonetheless, he stooped to collect the Spirit left by the invader, before turning to the others. [color=BFBFBF]”Go help deal with that last one! I’m going to check on the carnival.”[/color] Having no real authority beyond possibly being the strongest there, Zenkichi’s rallying cry only inspired a hurried reassignment of priority, rather than a heroic ride of Big Damn Heroes, but it was enough to make some room for him to rush down to the carnival grounds to catch the beginning of Grimm’s fight with the mysterious necromancer.