[@FujiwaraPhoenix] [@Izurich] [@Drifting Pollen] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] [quote]"At least, that would be the case if we spoke with regards to charity. I do not know of your circumstances with that merchant caravan you claim to have arrived with, but if you would be willing to aid me as assistants I might be able to figure something out." "Princess, I do believe that is called embezzlement—" "I'm not embezzling anything! I'd be giving them legitimate tasks and paying them accordingly! Ahem. Well, there you have it, then. Of course, you're free to refuse; I'm not crazy enough to strongarm you into helping, and I won't make you do anything too crazy... Probably. So how about it?"[/quote] And there it was, the request for assistants, but really it was free labor. Fran pouted in a huff. She didn't like it, but she understood that this was a necessary evil if were to make any make progress in Nieve. [quote]"Indeed, Her Highness speaks wisdom, Ambassador, fufufu~ Yes, we accept with great honors! Now, shall we depart to the castle at once?"[/quote] [color=8dc73f]U-Uh! Ah![/color], the berserker protested, snapping her head to the little vampire with an, due to her bangs, unseen glare. She can't just make a group decision by herself like that! And did she really think that this was enough to gain an audience with the capital's ruling monarchy!? [quote]"It's a fair offer, though if we're being legitimately hired then I'd prefer an agreement in writing. You're okay with it too, Fran?"[/quote] [color=8dc73f]"...Yes."[/color], Fran replied to Anne, sighing with resignation. Sher didn't like it...but if it means getting things done around here, she can tolerate it.