[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmJhOWZkNS5SV3hzYVc5dUlFWmhZbko1YmkxRUxpMUxZVzVrY25rLjA/lihataja.brush.webp[/img][/center][hr] [b][color=ba9fd5]”Yes, quite. You may be right.”[/color][/b] Ellion said to Amalia as he finally took the time to look around the busy scene. It was a good thing she was with him. Why [i]hadn’t[/i] he thought of that? Must’ve been the nerves, from the aftermath of the crash. Yes, that was it. But there were so many people! Who would be able to help them? Who, indeed, could even be [i]trusted[/i]? He looked suspiciously at a child staring at them from a distance, licking on some syrupy piece of dandelion stalk. No, not that one, definitely not. Then, he saw two people shuffling by: one young teen, and one that may well have been his grandfather, following their noses. They didn’t [i]seem[/i] to be too dangerous. Ellion shared a look with Amalia, then tightened his lips in concentration as he drew up the brass fastener on his cape, a habit to make himself appear presentable that he picked up from the Collegeon’s uniforms. He nodded to himself in self-encouragement, then he stepped towards the duo, and cleared his throat, with not exactly a small sense of insecurity to it. [b][color=ba9fd5]”Excuse me, but we seem to have wandered into this town by… [i]accident[/i]. Might you be so friendly as to tell us where we are, and what’s going on?”[/color][/b] [center][@Tachi] [@XxFellsingxX] [@rush99999][/center]