[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] [hr] I still don't understand what the problem was. But I wasn't about to stay there when all they did was insist on taking Roukanken and Hakurouken. What kind of person just demanded family heirlooms like that, over some damaged cobblestones? ---Erk. This... is a graveyard, isn't it? It's not entirely familiar to me, but the differences are probably because it's a different world. It's not that dissimilar from the graveyard in Gensokyo, especially when it comes to atmosphere. It looks like Fujiwara-san, and that blonde little girl, both made it here too. I suppose we must have followed a similar route from leaving the main street, even though we didn't run into one another until now. I'm relieved, honestly. It's not as if I can't handle myself, and I don't particularly know Fujiwara-san beyond having fought her before. But I'd rather be around someone familiar here then attempt to find my way around alone. I can't help but feel that trying to find my way around alone would simply be more frustrating than anything else. At least there's no--- Nevermind! One of the figures in the graveyard is familiar, and the other definitely isn't. The former is so familiar that my heart sinks a little. Miyako Yoshika in and of herself isn't really a problem. She's slow, and has the kind of thought processes you would expect from a corpse. But all she really does is remain in one place. I've never heard of any incidents of her biting anyone, which would be the worst outcome. The problem is the person that is inevitably here if she is. A certain someone I'm not very eager to deal with. "It is," I respond, my shoulders slumping as I can't help but let out a sigh, "There's no mistaking her. Which means her Master is probably somewhere around here, too." Even in this state, I can beat her if she tries something. I know that much. And I don't think Miyako-san will try anything aside from telling us to leave by herself. But--- Who is that Buddhist talking to her? I'm not familiar with everyone from Myouren, but he doesn't look like he came from there either. Is he another person from somewhere else? More then that, though, what are these things lurking around the graveyard? They're not ghosts, thankfully. I don't want to deal with ghosts. But their presence is sickly. It's as if they're rotten. I'm not a miko or a monk or anything like that, but as a half-phantom it's hard not to notice. It's like they're as malformed on a spiritual level as they look. My fingers tense. My right hand drifts a a little closer to Roukanken's hilt, as my phantom half drifts behind me. But they're not attacking, they're just watching. Aah, I really don't like that either---! But they're not ghosts. So I can deal with them. It's fine. I suck in a deep breath, then exhale. I'll worry about them when I need to. The Buddhist is asking about Europe? Europe is one of the places in the outside world, isn't it? Aside from knowing a handful of the more recent residents of Gensokyo come from there, that's about all I know about it. But this world definitely looks more like the Scarlet Devil Mansion then anything else. "I don't think this is Europe," is all I can really say. If it's another world, it probably doesn't have Europe at all, "Though, since I've never been there, I can't be completely sure..." Maybe this was this world's version of Europe? [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]The Wandering Cat[/h2] [hr] The butterflies struck by Sanae's ofuda instantly dissipated. But that only caused more of them to appear. It wasn't just a few, either. The golden butterflies were beginning to fill the hall ahead. The heavy, oppressive feeling was now so strong that Rayne would almost certainly be able to feel it as well. The walls almost seemed darker, but not because of shadows--- It was as if there was soot clinging to them. Had it been there moments ago? It didn't seem like it, the building had definitely been fairly clean and there were no signs of recent fires. "Hmmm. Those butterflies are probably some manifestation of the curse," commented Qing'e without much concern, "In that case---" She raised her right hand. There was something clutched in it, but it was hard to tell what at first. But then a shape manifested from it. It was blue-tinted and hazy, but certainly a human-like shape. It lacked many details, but for a miko like Sanae it would be easy to discern what it was. It was a human ghost. Or at the very least, a piece of one. It certainly didn't seem to have any sort of intelligence as it seemed to hang there, limply, in the cloaked woman's hand. As the butterflies approached, Qing'e lazily tossed the spiritual fragment towards the growing swarm. Almost immediately, the butterflies alighted upon the ghost, and the previously-still, hazy shape suddenly began to squirm. It was starting to break down almost immediately. Pulled apart, crumbling, and being sucked into the butterflies that had landed on it. In a matter of seconds, it was already completely gone. "Mmm, so that's how it is," Qing'e said, still sounding far less concerned then anyone in such a situation should, "Don't allow them to touch you, for even a moment. They'll suck the life out of you. That explains how the victims ended up." If anything, she sounded almost satisfied. As if she'd been curious all along at how the curse functioned. Though at the very least, it was unlikely that was the sole reason she was here. "We'll probably have to go through them to reach the origin of the curse, so---" It was at that very moment that the golden butterflies began to emerge from the walls around them. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@DracoLunaris]