[hider=Angus McFegel][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b][color=1E90FF]Angus McFegel[/color][/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/rWiiTdc.png[/img][/hider] [i][sub]| 16 | 5’8”/180 lbs | Male |[/sub] "As an opponent, you're RADICAL!"[/i] [sup][b]PERSONALITY:[/b] | Angus McFegel is a boisterous young man with an abundance of confidence. He’s friendly, but the size of his personality can make him difficult to approach. All things being equal, he’s the kind of guy that roots for the determined underdog. A very supportive kind of guy, readily cheering on those he would stand by with limitless energy. There isn’t a thing that he decides to do that he doesn’t give his all for. | [b]MAGIC:[/b] | Pressure Magic - Allows the user to wield magic as a “flow of pressure”. Users learn to direct the mana within their bodies to achieve this, controlling its “pressure”. The magic, in conjunction with controlling the “pressure”, lends itself well to internal spells, like enhancement or healing, but spells that expel mana from the body are costly, as the pressure quickly evaporates. | [b]SPELLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SPELL LIST][list][*]Ohm - Healing Spell - By applying careful and thorough pressure to injuries, they can be encouraged to heal faster. It's not particularly fast, but is very effective. [*]Ast - Defensive Spell - Angus expels a shockwave from his body. This can be done from a body part or from his whole body. [*]Adi - Offensive Spell - Instead of simply expelling magic power, it gathers first and then unleashes in a focused beam, granting him good range at high mana cost. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]ABILITIES & SKILLS:[/b][/sup] [hider=SKILL LIST][list][*]Resistance - By directing his mana to high-pressure in an area, Angus can increase his magic resistance to blast-type magics in that area. [*]Physique - Angus Raynor is a well-exercised young man, boasting muscle and physical power. He's been doing some boxing, too. [*]Determination - Once Angus has decided something is worth doing, the only way to stop him is to convince him otherwise. His hard work for the sake of his mother has earned him a great well of Mana, as well. [/list][/hider] [sup][b]GOALS & FEARS:[/b] | To be big enough to inspire the world! | | That he might accidentally hurt someone he’s trying to support, that his feelings might inspire the wrong thing | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]He’s always been a stand-up guy. From facing down bullies to going out of his way to play a cool wingman for a heartbroken classmate, Angus strived to be the kind of man he always thought should be exemplary. The son of a merchant, his mother had always been an exceptionally kind touch in his life, despite his lack of wits for business. While his father managed his expansive businesses, she was left in charge of raising him and cultivating his magic ability. Though he showed great capability in terms of power, his technique had always remained lacking. As the years went on, his father grew increasingly weary of this display. Power but no technique. The man blamed his wife’s poor training, and the merchant’s true colors began to show as his patience wore thin. His father always brushed Angus off as too weak to consider when he tried to raise concerns. That all changed when Angus received his grimoire. Suddenly, with spells that understood him, he could stand up to his father. Angus took his training into his own hands, from then on.[/cell][/row][/table][/hider] Here here here, how's this? It stewed on him enough to arrive at an answer that satisfies me.