Exeter narrowed her eyes -- not that doing so clarified his image, but something about the way he moved didn't make sense. He slowed, only to spring forwards by unknown means. Her first thought was that he also possessed telekinetic manners of locomotion. If he did, it wasn't the same type that she possessed. She couldn't discern any "push" on his atoms, regardless. [i]Surely there would be, however?[/i] Narrowed eyes then widened to compensate for everything dimming. She guessed that the creature was trying to blind her before gunning for the kill. She felt a tinge of superiority that she could still tell exactly where it was extrasensorily. Then her path changed. Blinded as she was, she couldn't place how, but it just felt [i]off[/i]. First his movement, now hers; Discrepancies were piling up. Matter didn't move like this, in this sloshing sense that disoriented her -- more accurately, [i]dislocated[/i] her. It felt like distances between herself and other objects were shrinking and growing arbitrarily. Speaking of matter- She sensed the climbing liquid in his stomach, throat, mouth -- the buildup to a cannonlike surge of hurled cookies -- and instantly knew that she couldn't endure it, not at the piercing PSI it'd launch at. She telekinetically curved her sword far out of harm's way as she snatched one of six white walnut-sized sphere from her belt and, skipping any button presses and costly countdowns, simply held it out in an open palm, turned her body to protect the other spheres and a bag holding a few high-tech nets, and crushed it with her mind. Instant flash. A supernova erupted from it. The blast launched her back, though bathing her in radiation of all types from the entire spectrum. [color=C80b0f]In the back of her mind rang a reminder of the results that letting the lower wavelengths flow through her would entail-[/color] She opened herself up to the greens and blues of this white void of plasma. It was destroying her outstretched arm and body, no question, but just as quickly it was showering her in the light needed to stave off and repair the damage via regeneration and come out stronger for it. Even if the plasma didn't burn or blow away the acid, it would help her to survive it, like a cosmic version of Emergen-C. Exeter had given herself a boon. Barrusom, on the other hand, had gotten a ball of hellfire the size of Denver, Iowa to deal with -- and by all (current) accounts he was trespassing on this perilous property. To her shock, when she reached out with her connection to matter to find the beast again amid the blinding blast, Barrusom now seemed larger than before. And... something, in the acid's wake, was emerging from nothing.