[center][abbr=Therion][img]https://i.imgur.com/af5E4Ko.png[/img][/abbr] [color=BC8DBF]Word Count: 1410 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 87/100 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Mafia Town, Deep Blue Seaside[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] It was around the time that Blazermate showed up that Therion prepared to take off. It was nothing against the medabot personally. Her timing coincided with the lull in information, which led to a more casual conversation. Therion had been gradually getting friendlier over his time with the group as a whole (whether due to absorbing spirits or just getting used to his new allies), but tonight he really didn't feel like sitting around the open air sushi boat just to chat. He had pons to launder, and if his spot at the Rusty Rudder hadn't been taken, some drunken sailors to eavesdrop on. Of course it was as he was heading out that trouble struck. Initially uninterested in whatever it was that had captured the patrons' attention, when Ms. Fortune announced the fact that she'd seen a flame clock his ears perked up and he turned around. There it was, on a ship getting awfully close to town and broadcasting a harsh noise that made Therion wince. The noise turned to music and voice just before the cannon fired. The citizens that weren't in shock scrambled to take cover, but the ship's ammunition turned out to be [i]people.[/i] At first glance the invaders seemed to be a random assortment of fighters, from regular humans both masked and unmasked to bipedal animals, but they all did seem to have somethings in common. They were gung-ho, moves telegraphed for showboating, and unarmored - with some of them foregoing all but their undergarments and boots. Given what they'd learned about Limsa, it wasn't a stretch to assume that this was the same force that had been attacking the port city. That little bit of foreknowledge put the Seekers on the move immediately, Therion among them. The first thing he did was get off of the dock and back onto shore proper. He'd already seen a couple of people get thrown into the ocean, and he wasn't about to let that happen to him. It took less than a moment for the entire town to devolve into chaos it seemed, with those wrestling attackers spreading out from their impact points. Since they were happy to engage anyone in combat, they didn't think twice about taking on anyone stronger than them. In fact, most of them seemed happier with a challenge - or maybe they just enjoyed the mayhem and battle in general. With a flick of his hands, the dual sickles The Last Laugh appeared in Therion's grip. Before the King of Evil had handed him these sickles, Therion hadn't been much of a dual wielder. In general he preferred to keep one hand free, whether for throwing, grabbing, frisking, or just in case. Not to mention that using a sickle was more complicated than a dagger or a sword. After some practice however, the thief found that he kind of liked using them. The gold and silver blades glinted in the dimming light as they clashed with the invading wrestlers. He quickly realized that another thing they had in common was that they were all tough, tougher than he'd expected them to be. Even so, he wasn't having much trouble with them so far. Therion leveraged his agility to avoid most of them, even when they changed up their strategies and went for tackles, jumping kicks, or quick palm strikes. If they ganged up on him it was a little harder, but his bladed weapons dispatched the melee fighters well enough that he was never pressed for long. [color=BC8DBF]"These are the same guys that gave a whole navy trouble?"[/color] he asked himself, starting to feel a little disinterested in it all. There was no obligation to protect the town, but it seemed the right thing to do given he'd been living there for a week and there were just as many innocent people present as there were mafia thugs. Besides, there was no where else to go on this little island. So he kept at it. While the Seekers split up, some heading out to sink the ship itself and at least one ascending to the top of the dish above the island, Therion's own battling took him further inland back toward the harbor area. One of the wrestlers he thought he'd downed, a stout man in a gold and green leather mask, jumped back up onto his feet with a bleeding slash across his chest and yelled out at the top of his lungs to hype himself up. The empowering roar seemed to work just as well on a handful of other wrestlers in earshot, since they let out energetic whoops in response and redoubled their efforts to take down anyone they could find, including each other. The masked man who'd roared raised his arms and rushed at Therion. The thief somewhat casually lifted his sickles in response to take the man on, only for a swirl of brightly colored stars and stripes to bowl through the area. It took out the masked man and two others before coming to a stop, the slowed spinning lariat revealing a [url=https://i.imgur.com/KfDM7YA.png]muscled, mustachioed man[/url] at the center of it. The man was larger than most of the other wrestlers, both in height and bulk. He flexed his muscles and glanced around for more people to brawl with, eyes landing on Therion. Judging the thief to be the strongest person in the immediate area (and not really caring to look farther at the moment), the hulking blonde grinned and took on a wide stance. "Ready to do this?!" The man asked in a deep voice. Therion sighed through his nose. So there were elites in this group, or something like that? It wasn't a big surprise, although he had assumed that the weird strike force relied on quantity rather than quality. Therion raised his weapons again, flipping one to hold in a reverse grip as his tail swished from side to side. [color=BC8DBF]"Are you?"[/color] That answer seemed to please the American. The man lunged forward, immediately going for a grapple. Therion evaded and swiped the guy with a sickle, a thin cut but a start. The wrestler then swung his arm wide, and when Therion ducked under it he tried to get him with a knee strike. This opponent wasn't as easy to read, but he was still slower than the thief - Therion backed away to avoid the strike before stepping right back in with a double vertical slash in front of him. The wrestler hadn't backed up though, he'd pressed forward, and so when he sidestepped Therion's attack it put him in the optimal position to dart behind him for a special move. The man wrapped his arms around Therion's waist in a crushing grip, setting the thief's fur to stand on end and his danger sense into overdrive. He drove the tips of both sickles deep into the wrestler's arms, and when that didn't work to break the hold he conjured his fire magic in alarm. The Wildfire flared up strong around the both of them, throwing light and dancing shadows around the street. Though the pro wrestler hissed in pain he also managed to let out a laugh. "Max Morgan's gonna take you for a ride on the pain train - [i]first class![/i]" he bellowed jovially. Then he moved, making Therion's stomach lurch as he raised the shorter and light thief up and over his head. Max practically fell backward as he performed a german suplex, arching his back and slamming Therion into the ground behind them. Therion's head and shoulders connected painfully with the cobblestone. His opponent released him, rolling to stand while Therion laid there for a moment with stars swimming in his vision, and not just from Max's getup. After dislodging the blades from his arms, Max loomed over Therion and raised a leg. Therion squeezed his eyes shut, conjuring one of his Strikers as Max's boot came down. Nayan appeared over him in a small splash of water, right between the two combatants. "Hup!" she said as she swung her massive hammer like a golf club at Max. It stuck him in the chest and he let out a pained [i]oof[/i] as he was knocked backward. Having given Therion some breathing room to recover, the striker disappeared and her summoner got to his feet. Max did too, rubbing the tender spot Nayan had made before he easily took up his wide armed stance once again. "Alright kid, let's do this for real!"