[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/de039f859a0f7ed86c79f6d4265d3386.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,727 [b]Level 3 Captain Falcon:[/b] 23/30 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +3 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 26/30 [H3]Mafia Town[/h3][/center] Captain Falcon had only walked a few feet away from You Tian when the high-pitched shriek of a microphone caught his ears. After that he heard the voice of someone speaking like they were on some kind of citywide intercom system. They announced the start of something called a Battle Royal Rumble. And immediately after that it became clear why they were addressing the entire city all at once. Cannonfire sounded in the distance and suddenly fighters seemed to be raining down from above! It almost reminded Falcon of seeing the Halberd dropping enemies from Subspace down onto the land below during that whole sordid affair. And no less than four fighters landed with a tuck-and-roll on the back alley street that the Captain was walking on. They looked like masked wrestlers, bulky bodies and speedo-like leotards covering their nether regions along with exaggerated boots and gloves. Each of their masks and suits appeared to have a different colored animal motif - green tortoise, red firebird, blue dragon, and a white tiger. And that was fine by him. [color=1f66b2]”Show me your moves!”[/color] Cap taunted as he entered his own fighting stance at the same time the wrestlers did. Immediately after he swore he could hear a bell dinging in the distance as if signaling the fight to begin. And these four wrestlers didn’t waste any time. Immediately the White Tiger pounced and went for a flying tackle that Cap was able to sidestep easily enough. He also had to jump straight up to avoid a simultaneous slidling attack that came from the Green Tortoise at the same time the Tiger had pounced. Cap was able to twist himself into an aerial spinning kick to knock away the Red Firebird who was looking to take advantage of the Captain’s precarious position. But that was when Falcon had run out of answers and found himself grappled by the Blue Dragon, and slammed back onto the ground before the bounty hunter even finished landing. Four against one was definitely not good odds. And the Blue Dragon looked to capitalize on his successful attack by bringing both fists down onto Cap’s face while he was still down. He never got the chance. A frying pan came careening into the fight from seemingly out of nowhere. It slammed into the side of Blue Dragon’s masked face and sent him aside to regain his balance and composure and allowed Falcon the chance to scramble back to his feet and get ready to fight again. And he also recognized where that frying pan had been thrown from. And sure enough, the owner of it and You Tian came slowly walking out onto the scene from the door of the restaurant. And he did not look happy. “You’ve got some nerve.” Zhao said of the attacking masked wrestlers before he sprinted forward at the recovering Blue Dragon, literally knocking him back toward his teammates with a backflip flip that ended with Zhao landing in a kneeled position next to Falcon before rising to his feet and entering what looked like a breakdancing stance, “You wanna pick a fight in [i]MY[/i] neighborhood, you sonuvabitch? Then LET’S DANCE!” [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJUyOpzXo88[/youtube][/center] With the two of them, the odds suddenly looked a whole lot better. Cap sprinted with blistering speed to settle the score with the Blue Dragon, launching himself into a downward [color=1f66b2]”Falcon Kick!”[/color] that would have squarely hit the staggering wrestler if the Green Tortoise had not lunged to put himself in the way of the attack and endure with a crossed-arms defensive posture. Meanwhile Zhao went tumbling into a spinning attack, appearing to spin himself while standing on his hands. His first few kicks managed to hit both the Red Firebird and White Tiger before they wisely backed off to avoid getting tripped up by him as he flipped himself back on his feet. On Cap’s end, he began to evenly trade blows with the Blue Dragon and Green Tortoise - slowly building up his Power Gauge in the process. At one point he caught the Green Tortoise with a [color=1f66b2]”Raptor Boost!”[/color] that launched them upward via a fiery uppercut. But instead of capitalizing with a follow up, Falcon had to instead whirl around and barely prevent a flanking charge from Blue Dragon, by catching him with a [color=1f66b2]”Gen’ei Kyaku!”[/color] that barraged the wrestler with a super fast series of kicks. Behind him, the Green Tortoise hit the ground after the previous launch, and so Cap ended his barrage of straight kicks and spun back around with a [color=1f66b2]”Ryuugeki Sen!”[/color] that launched a disc of fiery chi from his leg at the grounded wrestler. Meanwhile on Zhao’s end, his strange breakdancing attacks managed to keep his opponents confused, at least at first. But then the White Tiger charged up a Cyclone attack in an attempt to counter Zhao’s spinning with some spinning of his own. Thankfully the former mafia boss had agility on his side, able to use his more nimble form to dodge out of the way and avoid getting caught up in the White Tiger’s cyclone. But this did give the Red Firebird a chance to grab a nearby chair and use Big Swing to spin it around into a mighty throw in order to use it as a projectile attack aimed for Zhao. But Zhao was actually stronger than he looked, managing to catch the chair with his hands and spin it around for another throw aimed at the still-spinning Blue Dragon who had no way to properly see the projectile coming and took the hit full on. As for Falcon, his opponents were also trying to make a comeback from being on the ropes earlier. He launched into a sliding [color=1f66b2]”Falcon Kick!”[/color] at the Blue Dragon who responded by using a Rocket Jump to launch himself up and out of the way of it. At this time, the Green Tortoise came running at Falcon with a Bull Rush. But rather than dodge it, Falcon decided to meet it head on by launching forward into a [color=1f66b2]”Knee of Justice!”[/color] whose electrical property managed to leave the charging wrestler stunned, so he followed up by charging some chi and spending a built up Power Gauge stock on a powerful [color=1f66b2]”Haoh Shoukou Ken!”[/color] that launched a strong fireball at the dazed wrestler and finally seemed to put his lights out for good. And then Falcon had to shield himself from the Blue Dragon who had rocket jumped earlier and was now trying to crash back down on Falcon with a Diving Leg Drop. It did a lot of damage to Cap’s shield, but not quite enough to shield-break him. And then Falcon hit back, and hard. Starting with a [color=1f66b2]”Raptor Boost!”[/color] that launched the Blue Dragon upward, he then jumped up after him and spent the second of his built up Power Gauge stocks. This let him hit the Blue Dragon with a [color=1f66b2]”Kuzuryusen!”[/color] that juggled the wrestler further up via a series of three backward somersault kicks. Then Falcon launched himself up midair to grapple onto the Blue Dragon with Raptor Dive. [color=1f66b2]”Yes!”[/color] Falcon cheered when his attack launched the wrestler downward and careening to the ground with a heavy slam that appeared to finish the job. Falcon himself of course landed safely back on the ground. Over in the other fight, Zhao appeared to be preparing to wrap things up as well. He was done toying around with these luchador rejects and now just wanted to put them down. The White Tiger ran at him with a Punchline that Zhao was able to power slide under on his knees. Then the Red Firebird tried to fly at him with a Dive Kick, but Zhao managed to roll out of the way and tumble back to his feet. Next to him happened to be a ladder leaning against the wall. “Get ready!” He playfully said as he grabbed the ladder and began to push forward while spinning it around. This kept the wrestlers from charging at him directly else they would get closeline’d by the improvised weapon. What happened next could only described as an impressive feat of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHmBej1z7Vo]acrobatics[/url]. Zhao suddenly stopped spinning the ladder and planted it on the pavement directly in front of the confused White Tiger. Then he quickly scrambled a few steps up the ladder and before it could fall he pulled it up with him in a giant backflip that brought the bottom end up into an upward attack against the White Tiger. After reorienting himself in the air, Zhao then slammed the ladder back onto the ground, this time on top of the Red Firebird. Then Zhao of course safely hopped off the ladder before it finally fell back to the ground with a clatter. And just like that, his opponents appeared to be down for good as well. “Okay, so… what the actual hell?” Zhao asked when he noticed that Cap was done fighting as well. “Who comes rolling into town and shooting wrestlers out of cannons?” He demanded. [color=1f66b2]”I was hoping you would be able to tell me that.”[/color] Cap said with a shrug, [color=1f66b2]”So I take it this isn’t normal, then?”[/color] “Not even close.” Zhao said, “But this ain’t no coincidence, Falcon-kun. Can’t be.” [color=1f66b2]”How do you mean?”[/color] “Mabuchi.” Zhao said with some venom in his tone. “Same day he shows his face, this freakshow circus comes to town? Either he’s behind this or he’s using it somehow. Either way, I’d bet my restaurant he’s making his move right now! Which means I don’t have time to sit around here thinking about this. I need you to take me to where you saw him.” Zhao said to Falcon and then added. “So we can find him and kick his treasonous ass back out of town!” [color=1f66b2]”No complaints, here.”[/color] Falcon said in agreement. [color=1f66b2]”Follow me!”[/color] After this the two of them went sprinting toward the harbor. If that was where the circus ship was launching fighters, then chances were good they’d have to fight their way through more opponents. But that didn’t seem to be deterring them in any way. Zhao only cared about confronting Mabuchi, and Falcon wasn’t about to let his friend go marching into the lion’s den alone.