[center][abbr=Primrose][img]https://i.imgur.com/zqHOn9T.png[/img][/abbr] [color=D34C25]Word Count: 752 (+2 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 167/110 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Meridi-at-Han, Forbidden Kingdom[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color]●●●[color=gray]●[/color][/center] Though her gaze occasionally flickered over to check on her allies' battles against George and Lizzie to make sure they were doing alright, Primrose mostly kept her attention on Ralph. Goldlewis and the Sun Guard were doing a number on it before her spell ignited it, but now that it was on fire and thrashing around it was more dangerous. Ranged fighters, archers and mages, didn't have as much trouble continuing the fight but anyone close by the giant was in serious danger as it lashed out with its whole body. Seeing as it was already alight, Primrose snuffed her pyromancy flame in her hand. She conjured her actual dark magic instead, casting Moonlight Waltz to steadily keep up the damage on the beast until someone could interrupt its mad movements. When Goldlewis shattered some of the bones in Ralph's foot, the Sun Guard moved in with spears held high to stab at it while it retreated. When it started climbing, some even chucked their weapons like javelins. The monster was quick though, even as wounded as it was. The fact that it even appeared to be retreating surprised Primrose, but she thought that it must have something in mind - tearing down a building for cover, smothering the flames in rubble, or something else. Not keen to let it escape, Primrose began to conjure a stronger spell. Inky darkness coalesced in her hands, the mass growing larger until it destabilized and split into three potent blobs of magic. She was about to cast when Goldlewis hooked Ralph and held on, slowing the monster's escape significantly. Now with some time to spare, Primrose smirked lightly and focused her energy, her aura becoming visible as it changed colors according to her Boost. She pushed two Boosts into the Dirge of Dusk, amplifying its power before throwing her arm out toward Ralph. The spell zoomed toward the giant, three bolts of black energy flying through the air. When they struck it was hard and painful, but not explosive - the dark magic almost seeping into skin before fading. Unfortunately it didn't seem like that spell alone was enough to put the wolf monster down just yet, but the linger effect it had of lowering Ralph's resistance to dark magic would make it easier to finish him off. Primrose moved up, getting closer to make sure she didn't miss. She glanced at Goldlewis to try and get a sense for how long he could keep his hold on the beast. Judging the veteran to be able to hold out she took a deep breath, using another of her Boost Points to empower another cast of Moonlight Waltz. She extended one of her legs and spun in place, letting the magic curl around her arm until it was ready - then let it loose to engulf Ralph in shadow. It smothered the fire on his fur and was the last pushed needed to stamp out his life force as well, and the harpoon stuck in him clattered to the ground as Ralph's body began to dissolve. [color=D34C25]"That's the end of it,"[/color] Primrose sighed. She still had some mana, but she'd spent a lot of it just to make sure the monster was dead before it could break free from Goldlewis' hold - and that wasn't counting the dances and earlier spells. It was for that reason she didn't offer to heal her fellow Seeker with Warmth, though he looked to be alright anyway. Thankfully she tended to recover mana rather quickly, but she hoped there wouldn't be any other monsters looking to terrorize the city tonight. Amid the cheers of the civilians and Sun Guard as the trio of monsters fell, the sound of battle still went on. Curious, Primrose turned in the direction it was coming from - finding a battle between a woman and the carnival's headmaster. Had there been some friendly fire during the fight that led to Galeem's influence taking effect on them? The two of them had begun to draw a crowd now, which could be dangerous if they happened to strike anyone else during their battle. If they killed each other, no one else under Galeem's spell would really bat an eye - but if they happened to attack someone in the crowd even by mistake, it could start a chain reaction. [color=D34C25]"We should stop them,"[/color] Primrose suggested to Goldlewis, the only one nearby. Then she made for the battle to do just that, reuniting with Roland and Zenkichi in the process who were already there.