[h2][center][color=crimson]Edelgard von Hresvelg[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Skyworld[/center] [center]Level 1 [color=crimson]Edelgard[/color] (6/10) -> (9/10)[/center] [center]Word count: 1,928 words [/center] As Roxas battled Beloved, Edelgard used her overwhelming strength to annihilate each Corrupted that dared face her. Compassions tried to buzzsaw their way through the ranks, but they found themselves parried by Swords and blocked by Shields, while Bows and Staffs buffeted them with arrows and magic. Ayfids were, ironically, the greatest threat, as the angelic attackers had to focus their efforts on preventing the Compassions and other Corrupted from carving through their ranks, leaving the flying magic-users the room they needed to attack from afar. When they could, Featherbows took aim at the flying Corrupted, but this was not as often as they needed. As Edelgard struck down another Corrupted angel that challenged her, she felt a blade slash across her face, leaving a cut in its wake that a Featherstaff quickly healed. A Sycophant rose from its ambush, having caught the Empress off guard. It quickly launched a series of slashes aimed at her joints and head, looking to take advantage of any possible weak spots her armor had. It was hardly enough to leave more than superficial damage, though she found herself having a hard time actually closing the distance the Sycophant kept creating to strike it. In so chaotic a melee, that shouldn’t have been possible, but the Corrupted assassin was acrobatic enough to duck and weave around and through its surroundings. It was when the Sycophant leapt forward to strike again that Edelgard found her opportunity. She hefted Aymr, bashing the haft of the ax against the Corrupted’s arm. Her shield crashed into its face next, knocking it back and into a Feathersword which whirled on the Sycophant, carving a deep gash into its back before an arrow sprouted from its side, finishing the monster off. [color=crimson]”Thank you.”[/color] Edelgard offered, as Roxas crashed into the ground next to her and rolled to his feet. As his Curaga washed over the assembled angelic forces, Edelagrd smiled at the Nobody. [color=crimson]”Thank you, as well.”[/color] With Roxas back in the melee, Edelgard took his place fighting Beloved. The golem was clearly on its last legs, with Roxas having dealt an incredible amount of damage in a short amount of time. Between his fast attacks and easy access to Beloved’s weakest points, Edelgard didn’t feel [i]too[/i] overshadowed by the Nobody’s success, but a twinge of jealousy did burn in her for the relative ease with which Roxas had done what he did. If that was magic she could learn? It would help negate her greatest weakness! Stepping forward and disregarding that line of though, Edelgard bellowed out a war cry to challenge beloved, who ran forward and used its momentum to unleash a truly devastating overhead slash. Even Edelgard felt her bones aching as she barely blocked the blow, her shield ringing from the impact. Undaunted, she stepped forward and swung Aymr into Beloved’s already-damaged leg, the cracked limb finally buckling under the barrage of blows. While it didn’t shatter completely, this last impact sent deep cracks running across the leg’s length, and Beloved found himself bowed once more. Instead of climbing its back to gain access to its Corruption cluster, Edelgard crashed Aymr onto Beloved’s skull from the front, her Crests glowing from the effort as Beloved went from kneeling to completely prone. Imperiously, Edelgard climbed onto Beloved’s back from its shoulder, hefting Aymr with another war cry. [color=crimson]”FOR LADY PALUTENA!”[/color] She roared, as Aymr struck Beloved’s most vulnerable point, destroying the Corrupt Champion finally. She watched as Roxas helped her angels clean up the last of the Corrupted forces, a Featherstaff having left the battle to heal her up. Taking the Spirit left behind by beloved, Edelgard frowned at it. [color=crimson]”The relic of a difficult foe. I wonder what might be gained from you?”[/color] Storing the Spirit for now, Edelgard joined the others as Palutena’s forces gathered in the Great Hall. The corpse of Legion, more specifically the gargantuan eye that its head had become, disgusted Edelgard so greatly that she had to look away, lest the bile tickling the back of her throat spill forth. She kept it out of her direct line of sight as she fought the Corrupted, though she found that doing so made her less effective a combatant. What a horrific thing to unleash upon the world. It was no wonder that Lady Palutena wanted it, and these abominations, destroyed. Thankfully, it was not long before the very same Goddess acted, her voice ringing out in the great hall. A moment later, the hall shook as its ceiling began to collapse inwards, huge chunks of masonry crashing onto the Corrupted forces, crushing many of them as the heavenly army rallied, with Uriel and Nathaniel taking the fight directly to the source of their woes, destroying the dreadful disc and freeing them from its effects. The Corrupted that remained fell in moments, and finally, all was calm. The angels cheered, and Edelgard felt the joy of victory sweep through her, her own hand rising in triumph. Unfortunately, their revelry was short-lived. Celia returned with Ortho to both congratulate them and remind them that this was only one part of their efforts. Sighing, Edelgard boarded the majestic Griffin, bidding Roxas join her. As they rose, they saw what had demoralized the other angels, the massive Corrupted ship-weapons approaching them, albeit slowly. [color=crimson]”While I am ready for more battle, the Black Eagles did suffer some casualties, and not all of them are in perfect fighting shape.”[/color] She reported to Roxas and the other Lieutenants and Captains, frowning. Their despair, also, was short-lived, as Lady Palutena directly intervened in the battle once more, summoning a Dream Blossom to light the sky for them. A wave of cheering exploded amongst the angels once more, and Edelgard smiled. This was why she respected Lady Palutena so deeply, why she fought so fiercely for her. She cared. She oversaw the battle from afar, but rather than handing down orders dispassionately, she bided her time and her power to utilize it where it made the greatest difference, trusting her followers to handle the smallest of details. Ortho took off with his passengers, charging into the Corrupted lines like a missile himself, charging directly at a Kinship. Edelgard understood immediately what he planned, and turned her head to warn Roxas. [color=crimson]”He means to have me board a Kinship! You are free to join, or remain on his back, but when the ship is scuttled, he will be returning to pick me up!”[/color] True to what she said, Ortho was taking them directly into the path of one of the Kinships, from which arrows and missiles were launched aplenty. Ortho’s immense size and front-facing armor meant most of these arrows pinged off him without so much as a blink, but he had to be careful to dodge the missiles, even as he swiped at the ones he passed with talon and wing. It was far from a smooth ride, but at least it was quick: within two minutes of takeoff, Ortho passed over one of the Kinships, giving Roxas and Edelgard time to drop down. Edelgard’s landing was unmistakable, and though a small contingent of the Black Eagles had come with her, the rest stayed with Ortho, taking the battle to the skies and cutting down hordes of angels while their leader and her guard dealt with the strategic assets. Edelgard glared menacingly at the Corrupted that turned to face her, some dropping their bows and drawing knives and short swords with which to fight in close quarters. Her Featherswords darted out to take down the archers that kept their focus outwards, while Edelgard charged forth to cut down the ones who had taken to defending the ship. As the weaker Corrupted dissolved into ash, Edelgard collecting their Spirits, the pair of Corrupted angels that helmed the ship strode forth, greatswords at the ready. Edelgard cursed, knowing her weakness against their arms, but she was not deterred. Aymr was no mere ax: it was a representation of her power, her lineage, her struggles. And she was not alone, as her Featherswords made short work of the corrupted archers, though the sheer numbers meant that they would not be able to rejoin her until this battle was well underway. These angels had clearly been of somewhat higher rank than many she had faced before, as Edelgard found that they took more than a blow or two to fell, unlike some of the others she had faced before. That proved troublesome, though Edelgard’s constitution was nowhere near frail enough to be overwhelmed by two simple foes, swordbearers or not. She held them at bay with her shield, even as their repeated blows sent shockwaves of force through her arm, before taking her opportunity to strike. The Corrupted angel she chose avoided her first swing, though Edelgard followed up with a shoulder check into a shield bash which sent the angel reeling. She crashed Aymr onto it with an overhead swing, wincing in pain as the other Corrupted took the opportunity to attack her exposed back. Still, her plate kept the wound from being more than a nuisance, and she repeated her overhead swing to destroy the corrupted angel before turning to its fellow, who started to advance before an angelic sword exploded through its chest, leaving it to dissolve into ash as a Feathersword saluted Edelgard, gesturing to the rest of the ship. “Lady Edelgard, the ship is cleared. We are free to destroy it and move on.” [color=crimson]”Very well. Send for Ortho, and we shall scuttle this ship before we do so. We must prevent the massive ship from reaching Skyworld.”[/color] Nodding at the command, the Feathersword flew off, almost immediately spotting the regal divine beast and making a beeline for him. Once Ortho returned and Edelgard was onboard with Roxas once more, they made their way towards the figure of Worship, with the Black Eagles taking the front to deal with the smaller Corrupted that protected the missile-ship. While her angels did their duty, Ortho took Edelgard and Roxas close enough to attack. Edelgard stashed Aymr, instead gathering her short axes to throw at the ship. As Midna and her angels pulled back after dealing a crippling blow, Ortho pulled them around the other side of the monstrous ship, another smaller face exposing itself to attack. The angelic griffin lashed out with its talons before fully opening his wings to duck backwards away from an attack, and Edelgard threw an axe into the face, following up with a fireball for good measure. As Ortho moved back in, the cherubic face opened to reveal a disgusting three-pronged maw, which Edelgard swung at with her held short ax a few times, and Ortho clawed at with his talons once more. As the maw slammed shut on Ortho’s wing, trapping him, Edelgard’s Gleaming eyes blazed with fury. She summoned Aymr once more from her inventory, grabbing hold of the Corrupted flesh with one hand and carving into it with her weapon, sawing as if her weapon were a carpenter’s tool, and not a twisted facsimile of a Hero’s Relic. Taking a chunk of flesh from the Corrupted maw, Edelgard had given Ortho enough room to free his wing, though it was visibly damaged. As they backed away to let another group attack, Edelgard gently ran her hand through Ortho’s feathers as she chanted her healing spell, focusing the magic on Ortho’s wounded wing. [color=crimson]”The others will have to do the rest. Let us deal with the small fry before continuing to Citronpool Harbor.”[/color]