[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Lord and lady Coswain[/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]The Town Square[/color][/H3][/Centre Lord Coswain had been busy trying to help them prepare for blizzard and he was caped in snow by the time of his return. Persephone had been napping by the time he returned so he just kissed her forehead and changed quietly out of the sodden kit before heading downstairs to get a meal and something for her. The Lunarian guards had done their best and most able to try and help the Auralian guards and civilians to face the coming blizzard. He did wonder what that over zealous Lord would do, and he didn't care how he survived the weather, his servants though he had more worry for, he would let them die while he remained warm and snug. The worst kind and most dangerous of them, the kind who believed they were practically gods themselves. [color=fff79a]“Done ma best to help the road post, You alight Daph, you help her out”[/color] Hector said as he himself returned himself worse for the storm that was blowing quite white and only just starting out. “Good enough old man, she will make it even if not ideal. Damn cold.” The tall amazonian woman said from close to the fire, warming up her hands and shedding her heavy cloak that was soaked though from the storm's wrath. [color=fff79a]“your the giraffe”[/color]Hector said, the woman towered a good 5 inches over the stocky bearded one-eyed warsmith but he gave as good as he got. [color=f49ac2]“Dwarf…you're stocky and have a beard too. Fiona was decent for an Auralan, that Lord is a peice of work they were labouring into the storm even as we headed in.”[/color] She shook her head at such things, the Temple…Inn.. their there places to shelter and they laboured in the dead of cold winter's night. [color=6ecff6]“Most we can do, she tried to knock him out. Sorey to say she missed.”[/color] Coswain laughed at the memory, sure he made a enemy but frankly he did not care and he seriously doubted anyone who talked that much had the friends he did… those how did tended to speak softly and be very different to him. Real power just found them annoying. [color=f49ac2]“Oh… I like her already. Just proves I was right.”[/color] Daphne said as she tucked into a meal of roast meat and some gravy. Best not ask what animal but it was hot and filling. She found the woman to be a bit crass but decent and seemed to have some morals if she was so offended by him. She was curious. [color=6ecff6]“Just stay out of trouble so I not have to arrest you. “[/color] Coswain said as they took a seat near the fire to eat together. The windows and shutters were shut down tight already, bars across and prepared as best they could be. The small Mistress of the Inn with her distinctive single eye seemed a little off and headed away quickly upstairs. … The storm's wrath was not spent quickly and they alternated duties of keeping the fires stocked and fed, helping the Baker out to keep busy. Persephone had even treated them to fresh cookies which had never been unwelcome, fearsome she was, a good Baker she also was. The innkeeper they were told has taken ill so they did best to keep their slice of warmth and comfort exactly so, It was not most tidy, clean or so but they were surviving and honestly well provisioned to last out the storm. The snows did not break on the 3rd night, or even the 4th and they fell into an easy routine. The chess board downstairs saw A Lot of use. The news of the Queen's death had all them rattled and a lot of quiet talks and such Took place doing their best to make sense of things, events and what it meant for them and their futures. What did this even mean for them, the town and everything agreed? Power was changing rapidly and everything would change. They heard a knocking and found on the 7th day, the storm had finally ended to the point that the people could leave. Someone had enquired after Sya but they told her she was ill, apparently her ability was in demand and several calls had been made knowing she would likely see through the storm. They headed out , Daphne was strangely happy and heading out ahead of them, Sya was not there.. she would be down when she felt better. Persephone gave an odd smile and followed, she had strange visions that night, ones she could not explain? Dreams… but not.. something reality? Persephone had no idea. They headed into the outside the fire burning hot food on tables and it seemed from the noise in the kitchen. The Inn was firing back up and seemed to be busy to take advantage of the coming burst in trade. Firewood was being moved in quickly and it seemed the ovens were burning hard. People were making the most of it. [color=f49ac2] “Let's go, I've been cooped up all damn week”[/color] Daphne outpacing them all. [color=fff79a]"My knees ain't that young, Persephone you think she has a friend..."[/color] He said quietly with a expression of mischief that made the old, scarred warrior seem younger. Auralians had taken his eye but th4 gods had blessed him with a spare. Persephone expression gave a odd look but a positive one she had known Daphne for several years and was practically a extra daughter in some ways. His squire had meant she had formed a close bond with the Lord and Lady household. Anyway she was someone who used their brain not the swords unlike the men. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm not certain, I know it might be a intresting party, make the most of it."[/color] Her visions rarely made sense, they where more abstract and very much open to interpretation and she had yet to refine the ability to point she could be considered a true Seer, that was rare indeed. Daphne made much faster progress, her 6 foot 1 frame in the warm winter leathers normal to Lunaris, she kept her twin swords but had not fanned any armour like the rest going armed as they felt wrong without but not clad like a week ago in intimidating steel plates. Daphne had even let her longer dark hair into a braided style down, it was a celebration and they had ernough second guessing over the last week. She soon soon found the hot drinks and waited for her chance to be served, standing eye to eye with many of the men, which she found had unnerved more than a few weaker souls.